The World of FatCatz

FatCatz NFT
4 min readDec 17, 2021


What makes the perfect NFT collection? Is it the art? The utility? Or maybe it’s the digital comradery of passionate members shilling their favourite collections across Discord and Twitter. Regardless of what may define your idea of a proper ‘blue chip’, there’s one core belief we all share here at the FC headquarters: the fatter the better.

We’re an international team, with the goal of delivering nothing short of the best project out there. *Cue snare roll.

What is FatCatz?

FatCatz is a collection of 6969 cats chillin’ on the Ethereum blockchain, with each cat having different skin types and attributes.

The cats have also found their litter on an ERC-721 smart contract, in order to prevent any need for potential future migration of the collection. Be-gone pesky migration gas fees!

FatCatz are categorised into the following 5 tiers:

  • Common (49.79%)
  • Rare (26.69%)
  • Super Rare (16.69%)
  • Ultra Rare (6.69%)
  • Mysticals (0.14%)

Mystical FatCatz are the rarest of the bunch and there’s only 11 of them, so keep your eyes peeled before these bad boys get sniped.

Everybody has a chance to get one and one will even be given away before mint. Three of them will be available during the presale and 7 during the public sale. All mysticals also come with their own unique animation — warning: may contain flashing lights! (for reals).

Learning from the best. Backed by the best.

FatCatz contains the DNA of many pioneering collections in the NFT space. Learning from both the successes and failures of the collections that have paved the way for us and many others have been our most valuable asset.

We’re being backed by various members from notable collections such as Cyberkongz, Bored Ape Yacht Club, Bears Deluxe, Kaiju Kingz, CoolCats, Doodles and more.

We’ve also implemented Collab-land within the Discord server to verify any holder of NFTs in these collections, essentially building a community within FatCatz consisting of members from the best in the space.

We took a quality-first approach and felt that having the right project holders was just as important as having a lot of publicity to truly help future-proof the project.

Speaking of quantity, however, the FatCatz Discord server has organically grown to well over 11 000 members within a matter of days — you guys really know how to surprise us! And it’s safe to say that those late-night Marbles sessions don’t stop being entertaining as hell.

And sorry for making it a little harder to get whitelisted, but it’ll help the long-term health of the collection. Pinky promise.

The growth of the FatCatz community can also be attributed to the demand for the OG Role, with the Discord server growing by over 1500 members within the first 24 hours after launching on December 2nd.

Price and mint date:

The Presale will start on the 19th of December, 1:00 UTC, you will be able to mint one FatCat at a 30% discount priced at 0.043 ETH and a second at the full price of 0.069 ETH.

The Public sale will start on the 20th of December, 1:00 UTC, with 8 mints allowed per transaction and 40 mints total per wallet. Public sales will be full price at 0.069 ETH.

Utility and roadmap:

FatCatz is a metaverse-focused project at its core, with the aim of working towards integration into The Sandbox, a blockchain-based 3D open world game.

We’ve got the Genesis VX Serum in the works, which will be airdropped randomly to holders over the course of the 30 days post-launch. The Genesis VX Serum will be capped at a max supply of 1500 and will act as a minting pass for your very own VX FatCat for use in-game, along with various other in-game items for your cat.

On top of that, FatCatz will also purchase dedicated land in The Sandbox, with the goal of building a strong presence in the Metaverse and further engaging with members of the FatCatz community! If you think the Marbles are fun now, wait till you see what’s cooking — the Zuck’s also invited (not really).

TLDR? Take a peep below:

In it for the long haul:

To say that FatCatz is the biggest project of our lives would be quite the understatement. For the past six months we’ve worked countless hours to deliver the best project we could’ve ever hoped for.

We’re just four crypto-heads on a mission to make our mark in the NFT space, and each member is committed to focusing on FatCatz full time after launch.

Even with all the sleepless nights of non-stop planning, development, design and marketing, we could’ve never imagined the level of growth we’ve experienced so far. We owe it all to you.

So come say hi in the Discord! Don’t be shy. It’ll be a cat-astrophe if we don’t see you there.


The FatCatz Team

