Oscars 2022 Will Smith. Big Black Slapper

3 min readMar 29, 2022

1st Person: See The Oscars?

2nd Person: The Oscars are nothing but a bunch of self-indulgent luvvies in an orgy of smugness.

1st Person: So you dint see the incident then?

2nd Person: F*** yeah! It saddens me tho.’

1st Person: Why?

2nd Person: A man slapping another man in front of millions of people. It sends out the wrong message. Hitting someone who insults ‘you’ is an acceptable way to behave.

1st Person: He were defending his wife. Black Wives Matter.

2nd Person: That’s just an example of toxic masculinity. “Will Smith defends his wife like he owns her.”

1st Person: Mebbee Jada Pinkett Smith should’ve slapped s*** outa Chris Rock?

2nd Person: Yair-NO!

1st Person: Is ‘Yair-No’ a combination of yes and no?

2nd Person: No. Chris Rock is just as toxic. He chose violence in a different way by verbally abusing a woman with a medical condition, alpaca.

1st Person: “Alopecia.”

2nd Person: That’s what I said.

1st Person: No you said….ne’ermind. You were saying?

2nd Person: Anyway. Violence solves nothing.

1st Person: I bet Chris Rock won’t do that again innit.

2nd Person: Violence. Solves. Nothing. Will Smith could’ve had a quiet word with Chris Rock in private. Say on Twitter.

1st Person: You could say Will Smith ain’t that toxic masculiney. He were in tears after.

2nd Person: Crocodile tears.

1st Person: Cos real men don’t cry?

2nd Person: Yair-NO! …I bet the joke weren’t even funny.

1st Person: Will Smith laughed.

2nd Person: He shunt’ve laughed. He should’ve supported his….

1st Person: Woman?

2nd Person: He should’ve supported his….

1st Person: Wife?

2nd Person: He should’ve supported…. Jada Pinkett Smith.

1st Person: Chris Rock’s a comedian. It were just a joke.

2nd Person: Some jokes aren’t funny.

1st Person: Freedom of speech innit.

2nd Person: Sometimes freedom of speech comes with consequences.

1st Person: Like someone slapping s*** outa you?

2nd Person: Yair-NO! The sad thing is that the barney overshadowed the real story of the night, the deaf family drama ‘CODA’ winning best film.

1st Person: Daughter’s not deaf.

2nd Person: Eh?

1st Person: Noat.

2nd Person: ‘CODA’ made history but everyone’s talking about Will Smith and Chris Rock.

1st Person: True. For the winning film it’s all a bit of a slap in the face innit.




Culturally diverse blue collar ageing b-boy and incessant moaner. Midlander. yUK. Pronoun: Amateur hour.