Crisis on Planet Women!

The Haven
Published in
Jan 9, 2023
Photo of a flock of flamingos
Photo: Pedro Szekely. A bunch of women.

Womanhood is in crisis! An increasing number of women are perfectly happy staying single, rather than be in a relationship with a man who makes a poor boyfriend.

Woman: That’s a manhood crisis, idiot.

Me: Is it?

Woman: Yes.

Me: Oh…kay…. Just for clarification, when you say ‘manhood,’ you’re not talking about penises are you?

Woman: No. I am not.

Me: Oh well. Luckily, I can think on my feet. So….




The Haven

Culturally diverse blue collar ageing b-boy and incessant moaner. Midlander. yUK. Pronoun: Amateur hour.