6 Reasons why you should never chase a Man. Do this instead.

Fatema Elmahdy
6 min readJul 3, 2023


In the heart of every man is a desperate desire for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue.

There is nothing so inspiring to a man as a beautiful woman. She’ll make you want to charge the castle, slay the giant, leap across the parapets. Or maybe, hit a home run.

John Eldredge”- Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul.

A man wants to be the hero of beauty, it’s not just that a man needs a battle to fight; he needs someone to fight. (John said)

Now, for me as a female, my question is:

On the other hand, what about the feminine heart?

John answers:

Not every woman wants a battle to fight, but every woman yearns to be fought for. She wants to be more than noticed — she wants to be wanted. She wants to be pursued.

“The quotation from Eldredge’s book ‘ ends here.”

Based on this concept, we can discuss the differences between men and women and why you should never chase a man.

- Should I contact him again?

- Should I try again?

- Maybe he is not ready.

- I am willing to take

the lead.

- Perhaps he is busy,

so he can’t call me again

-If I don’t reach out to him, he will leave.

All these questions and excuses I have faced sometimes with my female clients when they find their man and fall in love with him, then he unexpectedly disappears.

They check their phones every moment, feeling headaches, and stomachaches, and they struggle to sleep, and the dilemma has started. It begins with a lot of questions, and when they can’t find any reason for his disappearing, they start making a backup plan.”

F-16 attacks plan😊

When he doesn’t respond, she surrounds him everywhere. At first, he tries to handle the situation gently, but after a while, he gradually withdraws from her life.

Maybe he isn’t right, because he has to face the situation and be honest with you, but regardless, it's not your responsibility to explain his situation. Your mission is to change your mindset.

In the beginning, it's important to understand there is no absolute right or wrong in relationships, so you must know what works for you in different situations.

Now let’s try some tricks and games to get deep into his heart.

First of all…

-What is chasing:

Kindness, saying hello, and engaging in conversation with him is about keeping the doors open, that doesn’t mean chasing, its presenting.

Chasing is “surrounding him until he feels overwhelmed”

So, which one represents you?

why you should stop chasing a man?

1-The differences between men and women:

When I was watching Danny Morel's show he was talking about the differences between Masculine and Feminine Energy …

He said :

Masculine Energy like that:

I’m going

I’m thinking




Feminine energy like that:



Being loving

Being comfortable

Being provided for

“It’s easy to see that masculine energy thrives through action, initiative, and giving, while feminine energy flourishes in relaxation, comfort, and receiving love.

2-men like challenges:

There is something about men’s brains that is designed to cope with challenges.

check out this:

Boys and girls have different games

For example:

boys play with guns, war games, car races, and martial arts.

girls play with brides, make-up, home designing, planting, and fashion designing.

This does not mean that we limit those games to boys only or girls only, but in most cases, it signifies something.

Games for boys involve challenging concepts that cater to their masculine energy. Games for girls promote beauty and calmness that align with their nature and foster a connection with Mother Nature.

3-Love is truly amazing but….:

love… these feelings that make your heart dance with joy, soaring high above the clouds.”

When you love somebody, it becomes difficult to see any flaws in them. However, in real life, we cannot separate emotions from rational reasons. Emotions are important, but it is important to take a deep look at reality and find a balance between the heart and the mind.

After marriage, love takes a different form. It’s no longer just about romantic sensations of heartbeats, butterflies, and nervousness in your stomach. It becomes about responsibility, sharing, and the mutual efforts invested in the relationship.

They must make efforts to deserve your love. It’s like a ping pong game; it’s unfair if you’re the only one putting in the effort while they just sit back and watch you. If they truly value you, they should be willing to put in the necessary efforts.

However, if they withdraw without a valid reason, it indicates their inability to win your heart.

4-Give him a space:

Don’t constantly chat with him or take control of the situation. He needs the space to make his own decision and appreciate your absence.

He wants the opportunity to miss you, to wonder what you’re doing and how he can make you happy. Give him a chance to think about you, to check his phone eagerly for your messages, and to long to hear your voice. He should miss the little details about you: your laughter, your smile, your words, and your understanding.

How can you be a challenge for him if you’re always available!

5-He is not your son:

Stop treating him as if you were his mother. You are not her. As women, we have a tendency to take on the responsibility for men and sometimes we interact with them using our motherly nature.

6- imagine your life with him:

If he lacks initiative, it indicates that it is likely a part of his character, and you may suffer with him.

What you should do instead?

-Is it easy:

I understand it’s not easy, especially if you’re falling in love with him. However, if you are aware and choose to endure the pain now, because the pain later may be greater, don’t forget that everything starts difficult. With practice and discipline, it becomes easier.

-Be brave and let it go:

Now, relax, have a cup of cappuccino, and observe what he will do for you. You deserve it. We need to learn how to let go. When you release him, if he is right for you, he will come knocking on your door again. If he isn’t, pray to God because He is protecting you and you deserve someone better.

-A superhero will not come. Enjoy your life:

Don’t wait for a superhero to make you happy; you have the power to do it yourself. Set your priorities and create a plan for your daily routine, including time for friends, family, work, sports, aspirations, and activities. And don’t forget to prioritize “me time.” Make your life easier and better, and eventually, you will feel a sense of freedom.

- Being alone vs non-healthy relationship:

Being alone is better than being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t make an effort for you. Find joy and discover happiness in being alone, understanding the deeper meaning behind it.

-The right person comes into your life at the right time. Believe in this:

Never forget that you always deserve the best, better than what you have experienced before. A man should see how beautiful you are, touch your heart, and discover the beauty that lies within you.

When it comes to love, you need a man with a free spirit, who is courageous, strong, and who doesn’t hesitate to fight for you.

So, relax, grab your cappuccino, open your favorite movie, lay on the couch, and receive love instead of chasing it.”

thanks for reading….




Fatema Elmahdy

Book Author|Family Counselor| mental health,relatioships,positive psychology| life stories.