Meme-token and Legendary Dog’s Decentralized Community (Patron Doge)

3 min readJun 16, 2022


#PatronDoge #PatronDogeDAF #PATRON #Meme #Memes #NFT #PatronArt


Purely a Meme-Token with NFTs and Metaverse — 10% goes to support our Dog’s community

The Patron Doge is the Symbol of the legendary meme-token and community of dogs named after the fearless Patron dog from Ukraine.

The Patron Doge community supports fearless professional dogs around the world by donating 10% of funds to their support.

Patron is a legendary dog who saved human life. Guard Dogs find and defuse antipersonnel mines in Ukraine. This dog is legendary and an integral part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Road Map Phase 1 — Birth of Patron: Operational setup, Story of Patron 1.0, Tokenomics, Website launch, Social media setup, Marketing push to spread awareness, 5000 telegram members, Meme development, Patron Doge is Born, IDO on UniCrypt, 10 000+ followers, Bounty & Airdrop campaigns, and Listing on Pancakeswap.

Road Map Phase 2 — Crawl: Influencer marketing push, Listing on Coingecko, Listing on CoinMarketCap, 25,000 holders, Staking, Farming, Airdrop, Voluntary donation for community + charity partnership, and NFT launch.


Token details

  • Ticker: $Patron
  • Network: Binance Smartchain
  • Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000
  • Official Contract: 0x24d6dc7FCaa0E2411173124d7fEb942682331Aba

Allocation details

  • Token Allocation (100%): 1,000,000,000,000
  • Presale (20.00%): 200,000,000,000
  • Liquidity (8.80%): 88,020,000,000
  • Team (25.00%): 250,000,000,000
  • Patrons Community Goodies (7.00%): 70,000,000,000
  • DAO (34.76%): 347,580,000,000
  • Staking Reward (4.00%)(First 2 months): 40,000,000,000
  • Fees (0.44%): 4,400,000,000

Initial Daf Offering (IDO)

The Patron Team is happy to announce that Private Round 1 has officially started, this is only one official place, where you can participate in the PatronDoge purchase don’t miss the opportunity.

IDO Details:

  • Presale Duration: 14.06–01.08
  • Soft Cap: 50 000 BUSD
  • Hard Cap: 100 000 BUSD
  • Maximum contribution: 3000 BUSD

NFT Collection

Patron plans to release an NFT dedicated to each of our dog’s heroic deeds. All NFT will be compatible with Sandbox.

Patron Dogs will do a lot of things in the real world, and celebrate in the Metaverse Sandbox. The NFT of each event is limited to 100 NFT.

NFT Details:

  • Common — 70.0%
  • Uncommon — 20.0%
  • Rare — 6.0%
  • Epic — 3.0%
  • Legendary — 1.0%

The release of the NFT depends on the dogs performing their duties. We expect the first NFTs immediately after the start of trading.

Meme-Coin History

Meme Coin is a cryptocurrency based on a popular joke circulating on the internet.

The most famous meme coin, Dogecoin, is rapidly increasing in price, one of which was influenced by Tesla CEO Elon Musk whose endorsement came in the form of a few tweets.

On the other hand, with the development of technology and the adoption of the crypto industry, anyone can create a new cryptocurrency. Many developers have released tokens or meme coins with various unique names after seeing the success of Dogecoin.

Most of these meme coins are spin-off forms of Dogecoin, although to date there is still no other token or meme coin that has achieved greater popularity than Dogecoin. In fact, based on data held by CoinMarketCap, there are more than 5,000 meme tokens and coins. Of course, this number will increase over time.

Often times, these meme tokens and coin options are seen as a joke. However, many investors believe that these coins should be treated like any other crypto asset. Many of these tokens or coins are starting to do quite well in the crypto asset trading market.

Patron Information Center

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