Leverage ChatGPT to Write Your Custom Cover Letters

This process may be a little bit quicker. Results are NOT guaranteed!

Matt Davis
2 min readMay 11, 2023

The classic, hello — this is me, and this is why I’m the best for your company.

Everyone f*cking hates doing it.

But we all have to.

Unless you’ve been introduced to the employer through someone that’s already in your network, the good old-fashioned cover letter may be your best shot at employment in certain scenarios.

Remember, this doesn’t automatically mean that you will get a job.

The goal of any job search is to get leads for yourself.

You still have to interview and they still have to like you as a real person.

All things mentioned in your cover letter relating to skills and experience should be true and factual information, even after using AI to help you.

Since that’s out of the way for any idiots that happen to be reading, allow me to show you the technologically advanced way to write cover letters so that we can simplify this mind-numbing process for all of us and save ourselves a bunch of time.

  1. Bookmark ChatGPT (I’m still using the free version as of this point and it’s been working well. The paid version is $20/month which includes unlimited access during high-use hours when it may be unavailable to those using it for free users)
  2. Inform the chat that you’d like to write a cover letter based on your personal resume. End this sentence with a period.
  3. In the same prompt, tell it to limit the cover letter to about 350 words. Period.
  4. Inform the chat that your resume is below, followed by the job description.
  5. Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and press Enter or Return a few times.
  6. Lastly, Insert your resume in quotes, followed by the job description.
  7. Don’t worry about the formatting of your resume or job posting when you copy and paste. I pasted my resume directly off of a Word Doc and it looked funky but wasn’t an issue.
  8. Press enter. Watch AI do its thing.
  9. Pat yourself on the back for leveraging technology to save you time.
  10. Paste its response into a separate Word doc or OneNote entry. Edit it for clarity. Remove all of the “I am”s that it wrote in your letter and add “I’m” — (doing this ONE thing makes it sound much more natural and less robotic)

Finally, save your letter and submit your job application.

I hope my insights have sparked your curiosity and provided you with some valuable tips along the way.

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I’m eager to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for blending technology with creativity.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure, and I look forward to you joining with me again soon.


