What Makes God Smile

Takeaway From ‘A Purpose Driven Life’ — Rick Warren & Inspired by Savannah Davis

Matt Davis
5 min readJan 21, 2023

Oftentimes, we go through life seeking approval from our parents, friends, peers, and society at large.

We’re constantly seeking validation in the form of materialistic items to impress others, as well as postings things on social media to gather as many likes as possible.

Then, of course, there’s doing the things that we absolutely do not want to do, but do it anyways for the betterment of someone or something else beyond ourselves. We sacrifice.

The truth is that we should all live in harmony with one another, and we should serve one another, not ourselves and our egos.

At the end of the day — there should be only one being that you live to make smile each day with your work. And that’s the one who created you—the one who designed you to serve not just Him but your fellow human beings as well.

This doesn’t mean you can’t make other people smile. Of course, you can, and you should. This also doesn’t mean necessarily mean becoming a nun, locking yourself in a room, and reading the Bible for 12 hours each day.

That sounds a lot like religion, not a relationship.

Even if you did do this, at least you can say that your priorities are in line with who you truly serve at the end of every day.

Your social media followers and Linkedin connections won’t be there for you on your deathbed.

Some of them will be. Most of them won’t.

Here are 5 ways you can make God smile so you’re not solely worried about seeking approval from people who, to be quite frank — don't give a shit about you.

1. When we love Him supremely

God created us so that would love him.

He says, “I don't want your sacrifices, I want your love. I don't want your offerings. I want you to know me.” — Hosea 6:6

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your soul.

— Matthew 22:37–39

Noah was the only man on earth at the time who deeply, intimately loved God.

God wanted to wipe out the rest of humanity because of how selfish they were living. They were living for themselves, not God. All of them but Noah.

So God decided to rewrite humanity's story by allowing Noah and his family to live and repopulate the earth.

It makes God smile when we love him supremely, above everything, seeing him in everything.

Constantly thinking about Him. Following His commandments.

2. When We trust Him completely

Noah trusted God even when it didn't make sense.

Noah never saw rain. He had been living in a drought ever since he was born.

Yet, he didn't question God when He said He was going to flood the Earth.

Noah didn't doubt God’s ability to round up every living animal and sustain them during the flood — even though he probably had many reasons to.

He trusted God completely.

This made God smile.

The Bible states,

He takes pleasure in those who honor him; in those who trust in His constant love. Without faith, it is impossible to please God.

Psalms 147:11

3. When we obey Him wholeheartedly

Building the ark and sustaining the life on it required a lot of logistics and details. God told Noah exactly how to build it. Everything had to be done just as God told him to. He gave detailed instructions.

The Bible tells us that Noah did everything exactly as God commanded him to.

Now that is wholeheartedness. We tend to obey what we want to obey.

This applies to modern-day Christians as well.

We proudly tithe to our church — but we don’t forgive a friend who wronged us. We attend church — but neglect diving into the word.

Partial obedience is not satisfactory in God's eyes.

When God commands us to do something — that is disobedience.

Obedience unlocks understanding.

Don't wait for understanding or perfect clarity.

Just obey, and then you will understand.

James says,

We please God by what we do, not just what we believe.

James 2:24

Jesus says,

If you love me, you will obey my commandments.

— John 14:15

4. When We Give Praise & Thanksgiving (continuously)

Few things feel better than receiving heartfelt praise and appreciation from someone else.

God loves it too.

Noah's response to surviving the flood was to thank him by giving him a sacrifice.

Noah built an altar to the Lord and burnt offerings on it.

— Genesis 8:20

Amazing things happen when we thank God for who he is and what He has done.

In the midst of bringing joy to God, our own hearts and spirits are filled with joy.

When we enjoy what God has done for us and also express that enjoyment to God — it makes him smile.

But it also increases our own joy again. Funny how that works.

5. God Smiles When We Use Our Abilities

We don't bring pleasure to God when we try to hide our abilities or be someone else. You only bring him enjoyment by being you who he created you to be.

Anytime we reject any part of ourselves, we are rejecting His wisdom and sovereignty in creating us.

God says,

You have no right to argue with your creator.

You are merely a clay pot shaped by a potter.

The clay pot doesn't ask, “Why did you create me this way?”

Parents do not require their children to be perfect or even mature for them to enjoy them. They enjoy them at every stage of development.

In the same way, God doesn't wait for you to reach maturity before he starts liking you.

He loves and enjoys you at every stage of spiritual development.

“The Lord looks down on all of humanity to see if there are any who are wise, who want to please God.”

Are you making pleasing God a priority in your life?

Or are you too busy trying to please the people on your Facebook feed?

Perhaps it’s the neighbors.

Or your girlfriend or boyfriend. Or maybe your boss.

I know that I occasionally neglect to make worshipping God a priority in my life. And then something gets me back on track again, (Thank you, Jesus, for your Holy Spirit!) and then everything feels right again.

There’s nothing wrong with making other people in your life smile. Or doing honest works of service for them if that’s what you genuinely feel called to do.

Just make sure you’re not relying on their satisfaction in life for you to have peace of mind or tranquility.

Because it’s not their smile that you need.

It’s the Lords.




Thank you for reading.




Inspired by and written in collaboration with one of my sisters, Savannah Davis.

I love you, Savannah!

