The Power Of Positive Thinking:How Thoughts Can Change Your Life

Fatima Anjum
4 min readJul 18, 2019


Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results.

Positive thinking is crucial to live a positive life. Every person wants to be happy and also wants to be successful in his/her life. But you can’t be happy with a negative mind. To bring a happiness in your life you have to create a positive environment in your surroundings as well as you have to create positivity in your mind. Because, Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. If we start to ignore just little mistakes of others we will get a lot from this practice. We will learn patience, forgiveness, kindness, and internal peace. When we build internal peace we will be more happier and proactive in our daily tasks and ultimately we will achieve our goals.

‘’Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success’’. Shiv Kera

Positive thinking is a way of life

With a positive attitude we experience pleasant and happy feelings. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy, and happiness. Our whole being broadcasts good will, happiness and success. Even our health is affected in a beneficial way. We walk tall, our voice is more powerful, and our body language shows the way we feel.

Depression period:-

After completing my Bachelors degree,I struggled to build up my career;I am very passionate to do work no matter it is directly related to my field or not.I did one year internship in a Government school with an unmatchable passion but never got a chance to be promoted.I want to do job related to my field but unfortunately couldn’t find any.I applied in different institutes but no one gave me the opportunity to prove my self.I lost hope and always feel depressed and show nothing to anyone as I thought no one has the solution to my problems

‘’Depression is the inability to construct a Journey to Success”


I learn that if I want to be happy,I will be happy and if I want to be sad I will be sad so it’s up to me.At that time,I realize I will be happy If I think of all the good things that God gave me.I realized that ups and downs are part of our life.

Happiest Period:-

After so many struggle,I finally got a job in Students Inn College and Academy and then I joined Amal Academy to learn more about intrapersonal skills and to improve my communication skills.

‘’Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like’’.

Shawn Achor shared very interesting and amazing tips with us and I practice few tips to create Happiness:

After listening Shawn Anchor’s Ted Talk I got a new concept “ How we can boost success through happiness” Happiness is a fuel to success. He talks about 5 steps of happiness that we can follow to maximize our positive energy and build an internal peace. When we will be positive a positive shell will build around us that reflect negative vibes and you always will be focused and engaged with your targets and automatically you will become successful in your life.

‘’Happiness depends on ourselves’’


1- Gratitude:-

Yes, our lens to see the world matters a lot.By practicing these tips, I feel very relaxed and happy. I feel inner happiness by showing gratitude to my loved ones. As our loved ones do many things for us but sometimes we feel shy to express our feelings but by using these tips I feel delighted and I have no words to describe my feelings.

Random acts of Happiness:-

By practicing Random Acts of Kindness the feeling of happiness which arises inside us is just speechless. I enjoyed a lot by practicing these tips and feel very relaxed, comfortable, happy, confident and optimistic.



Fatima Anjum

Future belongs to those who believe in the Beauty of their Dreams