Random Acts of Kindness

Fatima Tariq
5 min readJul 19, 2019


Kindness is defined as the quality of being nice, friendly, generous and empathetic. Random acts of kindness can lift up anyone’s mood and spirits and we all hold the power to make someone’s day with some small but selfless acts. To make this world a happy place we have to make kindness a norm. What if we add acts of kindness to our busy routine like send a beautiful and uplifting text to your friend to make his or her day better, meet someone with a bright and wide smile. Kindness starts with one like one smile, one handshake, one cup of coffee. These actions costs you nothing but unlimited happiness and calm to your heart. Kindness also plays a huge role in your success. Kindness helps to bridge the gap between people.

There are many ways to be kind and many opportunities and values to practice. Perhaps if we add a pinch of kindness to our daily life our relationships can get more strength. Let me add my story of kindness here. If I talk about myself, I am genuinely a person of a good heart who cares a lot about the people, friends, colleagues and family members. I am that sort of emotional person who gets excited seeing others happy and who get all of sudden the most sad seeing someone in pain. In these tough times where everyone is rushing, surviving through mental health issues kindness is the only core value that we can practice to overcome someone’s problems. Only kind words have the healing power.

Currently I am doing an internship at Punjab Institute of Cardiology and its the very first time that I am working in professional ground which means a hospital. Dealing and interacting with lots of patients on daily basis is making me more kind, loving and compassionate. My profession demands my whole heart and full attention and this includes acts of kindness at every step. Whenever some patient comes to me, I always try to greet them with a warm smile. I guide them what to do next like in which room you have to go now.

Two days back an old lady was sitting on a wheelchair anxiously waiting for her daughter to come, I try to engage her in a talk that why she is waiting here and if she needs any help and that act was so little but all of sudden she was so happy that someone comes near me and ask me. She was all hearts and said thank you dear, my daughter is about to come.

Then on the same day when I come to the bus stop, it was all rainy sort of weather. I was having an umbrella with me and it started raining like cats and dogs. I was protected with umbrella feeling secured but the lady who was standing near me on footpath was without umbrella. My umbrella was not that big to rescue two people but without thinking much I offered her to come inside. And we stood there in full rain for about 20 minutes until the bus came. That day I was genuinely happy that I became a source of help for a lady and ALLAH chose me to do this act of kindness.

The point of telling these stories in my blog is to highlight that how important is to be kind. Kindness has the ability to transform our surroundings and this transformation is necessary for both those who practice it and everyone else. Being kind makes us happier, being happier makes us kinder too. Kindness not only makes us feel good but also has a good impact on our health both physical and mental. Kindness seems to protect our hearts. Some experts argue that kindness reduces blood pressure, since being kind creates what has been called ‘’emotional warmth’’ Then it releases a hormone known as ‘’Oxytocin’’ That’s why this hormone is known as Heart Protecting Hormone.

‘’Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and desperation, but rather manifestations of strength and resolution’’

  • Khalil Gibran

That is my side of story but here I want to share some powerful yet small random act of kindness that we can use to lighten up someone’s day like

Bring toy to the homeless shelter.

Hold the door.

Read a book to an elderly person.

Give your favorite book to a friend.

Donate to a fried’s charity.

Do someone a little favor.

Give your seat up on the bus.

Share your umbrella with someone.

Reconnect with a old friend.

Text someone good morning to make them feel good.

Send some nice comment on social media.

Be welcoming to a new neighbor.

Let someone into your lane.

Give your friend a hug.

Take some time to carefully listen who is speaking.

Donate your clothes.

Put your phone away when you are in a gathering.

Plant a tree.

Spend time with your grand parents.

Help someone to cross the road.

Make someone laugh hard.

Talk to a shy one at the party.

And the most important thing includes being kind to yourself. Do you treat yourself kindly? Do you speak kindly and gently to yourself and take good care of yourself? Appreciate yourself on taking small steps everyday towards success.

‘’Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression a look, a touch. It is anything that lifts another person.’’

