Political Musical Chairs: PML-N and PPP’s Governorship Shuffle in Pakistan.

Noor Fatima
2 min readMay 4, 2024

In the intricate dance of political power plays, Pakistan's landscape witnesses yet another shuffle, this time in the form of gubernatorial nominations by the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP). The recent announcement of Jaffar Khan Mandokhail as Balochistan's governor, alongside Sardar Saleem Haider Khan for Punjab and Faisal Karim Kundi for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), underscores the strategic alliances and power dynamics shaping the nation's governance.

Jaffar Khan Mandokhail's ascent to the governorship of Balochistan, facilitated by the PML-N-PPP coalition agreement, heralds a new chapter for the province. Mandokhail's political trajectory, from student politics to ministerial roles, reflects a seasoned politician poised to navigate the intricate balance between provincial autonomy and federal oversight. As he steps into the shoes of his predecessor Abdul Wali Kakar, Mandokhail's pledge to act as a bridge between the province and the Centre sets a hopeful tone for collaborative governance.

Meanwhile, in Punjab and KP, the PPP's nominations signal a recalibration of power dynamics in these key provinces. Sardar Saleem Haider Khan's selection brings a seasoned leader with a wealth of experience, both as a former federal minister and as a stalwart of the PPP. His appointment marks a departure from the PML-N's stronghold in Punjab, symbolizing the PPP's ambitions to broaden its influence beyond traditional strongholds.

Similarly, Faisal Karim Kundi's nomination for KP governorship underscores the party's strategic maneuvering in the province. With KP poised at the intersection of regional sensitivities and national security concerns, Kundi's leadership will be scrutinized for its ability to navigate these complexities while advancing the PPP's agenda in the region.

As these political chess pieces are moved across the board, Pakistan's governance landscape reflects the intricate interplay of alliances, negotiations, and aspirations for power. While these nominations signify a consolidation of power for the PML-N and PPP, their success in steering the ship of state will ultimately be judged by their ability to deliver on promises of progress, development, and inclusive governance.

In the ever-evolving narrative of Pakistani politics, the appointment of Mandokhail, Haider Khan, and Kundi serves as a reminder of the fluidity of power and the enduring quest for political relevance and influence. As they assume their respective roles, the eyes of the nation remain fixed on their actions, hoping for a future defined not by partisan interests, but by the collective pursuit of prosperity and stability for all Pakistanis.



Noor Fatima

Curious mind delving into Current Affairs 🌐📰 Seeking truth & understanding of global events. An Advocate for informed discussions & positive change.