3 min readJan 25, 2024


Photo by Sivani Bandaru on Unsplash

These past few months have been weird. Some of the best things have happened and I truly mean best but also some not so best things that I haven’t known how to deal with at all and that I still don’t know how to because I never had to deal with anything like it. I had to learn more than ever that life gives and life takes however life pleases how this isn’t exactly new to anyone.

We all had things be given to us that we never thought would happen. A dream, a opportunity, a friend who was there when we needed them most, a scholarship that changed it all. We also had things be taken away from us sometimes completely unexpectedly. A loved who left us, a friend who got sick, a job we lost that left us feeling confused during turbulent times. Life forces you to somethings in a different light and it makes you question everything you thought you’ve known up until that point it sometimes seems like nothing in life is really in my control. My control is just an illusion. Since they are both being given to us and taken away from us.

All of time it makes one wonder how much control do we really have over our lives? Do we have any control at all? But I guess we’re still the lucky ones. We can predict a lot more a lot easier than our ancestors could. We can predict the weather & how its going to take us to get from point A to point B. And some technologists even claim that we’ll be able to track our moods in future. Now being able to predict things makes us feel like we’re somewhat in control over our lives but the world is still very much unpredictable and I don’t know that any advanced technology will ever change that and perhaps that’s not a bad thing I mean would you really want to be able to predict your whole life. There is a classic dilemma of if you were given a book of story of your life would you read the end?

There is a piece in a book the alchemists that goes if good things are coming there will be pleasant surprise, if bad things are and you know in advance you will suffer greatly before they can occur. All of this left me wondering if there’s anything in life that can’t be taken away from us. According to Victor Frankl ‘ Everything can be taken from a man but one thing the last of human freedom to choose ones attitude in any given set of circumstances to choose one’s way So perhaps we do have a bit more control than we think, The control over our choices, the attitude we choose, the outlook we choose , the perspective we choose how honest, kind and grateful we choose to be towards ourselves and others. The way we choose to respond to any given situation perhaps that’s the only control we need and luckily for us it’s the one thing that can’t be taken away.




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