Fatima Abdullahi
3 min readMar 18, 2023

Installing an Apache HTTP web server on an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server


: Update the packages on the server

: Install and enable an Apache HTTP Web Server

: Locate the public IP of your server


Hi everyone, I newly started an amazing course called Level Up In Tech. This course is guiding me in reaching my goals and this article might make you one step closer to yours.

Let’s get straight to it!

Firstly, what is Apache?

Apache is known for being one of the most popular and secure web servers in the Tech world. The key role of this server is to process requests and transmit information. This is accomplished through the Internet using HTTP. So here I will simplify installing an Apache HTTP web server on an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server.

Let’s commence

To start off you SSH into the server which logs you in. To ssh, you type in ssh (your username)@ (your public IP address). Example ssh cloud_user@ You can do that by using a Terminal that is compatible with your specific operating system. In my case, I am on a Mac device so I am using Terminal. If you have a Microsoft operating system you can use wonderful terminals like PuTTy or PowerShell.

Step I: Update all packages on the server

Once you ssh you will be prompted to pick yes or no, type yes, and continue. Your next course of action will be to update the packages by using the command sudo apt update.

You will be asked to enter your password twice as a security measure. We are using the sudo command as all commands and arguments will be logged as part of your compliance and security protocol. Sudo gives greater control over what users can do.

Step II: Install and enable the Apache HTTP Web Server

Your following step is to install Apache HTTP Web Server using the sudo apt install apache2 command. This command will prompt you to enter your password to begin installing Apache. If your results state Done or Complete congratulations you have successfully made the install.

Step III: Grabbing the public IP of your server

To retrieve the public IP address you must type in the handy command curl -4 icanhazip.com. In a few seconds, you will have a running IP address that is fully functional.


Now that you have managed to accomplish installing an Apache HTTP web server on an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server your first step toward reaching your cloud computing goal is complete. Thank you for viewing.

# A Cloud Guru # Woman in Tech

Fatima Abdullahi

Currently studying with LevelUpInTech and excited to see what cloud computing has in store.