100 Followers, Got Through The Partner Program In 2 Days

Fatimah Hezza
4 min readMar 31, 2022


Yes, I hit 100 followers in just 2 days. Awesome!

Photo by the Author

Guys, you may have come across or read my story a couple of days ago about how to hit 100 followers.

I told you guys, let us try the “follow for follow strategy” and see if works.

You know what, IT WORKED. Fifty Claps for that everyone.

I hit 100 followers, in fact, more than 100 in just 2 days. Amazing right? One Medium user who followed me, thanks to him. He responded to my story and said, “so what’s next, did you get through the Medium Partner Program?”

Great question. For those of you who now have 100 followers, did you get through the Medium Partner Program? I would love to hear from you.

Like me, I believe that the reason why you are so excited to hit 100 followers is that you want to get into the Medium Partner Program and start earning from your stories. Am I right or am I right?

We all know that Medium Partner Program has 2 requirements: At least, a story published and 100 followers.

So, I had more than one story published and each has claps and responses from Medium users. Good huh?!

Now, when I finally hit the required followers in just 2 days, I thought to myself, “this is easy.” I was confident I will get accepted into the Medium Partner Program. And Boom! It wasn’t that easy. And then, you have to wait for 30 days before you can apply again. I was like, “seriously?”

I was silent these past few days, I was trying to think why I didn’t get through. Is this whole Medium thing a crap? Should I give up?

Then, I thought of what I managed to achieve in just a week. I set up my Medium account, wrote and published 5 stories, and got hundreds of followers. That is quite an accomplishment. I never get to do that before. I have never been that determined at accomplishing something. So, I might as well give myself a pat on the back, and slow down a little bit.

I guess, I was overwhelmed after having read too many success stories from Medium writers, that I expected to do the same instantaneously.

Yes, we have stories published and have more followers than required. But, when you apply for the Medium Partner Program, Medium is not going to accept your application instantly just because you’ve satisfied the requirements.

NO! Medium is going to review your application. And here’s what I have learned.

First, you need to have a stripe account. And there are only a couple of countries that have stripe accounts. Then, you need to live in one of the countries that have Stripe accounts, and like I said there are only a couple of them.

The stripe account and country are not a problem. But, what I realized is that the follow-for-follow strategy probably may have been the reason, and therefore is not a good idea. Well, yes I am serious, slow down with the follow-for-follow.

Second, after you have filled in the initial form for Medium Partner Program application, Medium will review your account. Now, they’re going to see your activities in Medium. But, why did I bring this up?

You see, hitting 100 followers that fast is not normal. Medium notices what you did to hit that number so fast, and you certainly have posted so many comments on stories and replied to people’s comments and said “give me a follow and I will follow back.” And, they did follow you and you followed back. You hit the target number so fast and have also followed a lot of people that fast.

Normally, you wouldn’t follow hundreds of people in just days. Right?

What medium wants to see is you ‘earned’ your followers, and you have real interactions going on. Not the “I follow you and you follow me” interaction in your comment section. And honestly, accept it or deny it. But, you followed random people just to hit the 100 followers.

I am quite sure that you don’t even know what they write about nor read a paragraph or even sentence of their stories. All you cared about is they follow you and reciprocate by following them back.

If you succeeded in your application after doing the follow-for-follow, then congratulations and I am sincerely happy for you.

But, for the rest of you guys who are still building on their 100 followers. Slow down a little and put more on writing stories, reading stories that you really like to read and react to them, trying to interact with people and earn their follow.

I know that doing it the normal way may take you a long time to hit the required followers, but when you finally hit the required followers, you will get through the partner program fast.

It is your choice though. Just a piece of friendly advice. What do you guys think?



Fatimah Hezza

Teacher, foodie, & music lover. Editor of Fashion Glitter Magazine on Amazon. And I have a contagious disease called “lucky” so, follow me!