UAE solidifies its position as a leader in global innovation and collaboration with World Economic Forum partnerships

Fatima Nabeel
2 min readJan 19, 2023


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is making significant strides in positioning itself as a global hub for positive change and a reliable partner on the international stage. This is evident through its partnerships with the World Economic Forum (WEF), as demonstrated on the second day of the WEF’s annual meeting in Davos.

The UAE’s Minister of Cabinet Affairs and the Future, Mohammad Al Gergawi, affirmed that the country’s vision is to consolidate its position as a reliable partner and a global hub for positive change at the regional and international levels. He highlighted the partnership with the WEF as a key contributor to this goal, stating that it will strengthen the UAE’s efforts aimed at meeting the current and future requirements of the country.

The WEF also praised the UAE’s leadership and partnership, with Prof. Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of WEF, stating that the UAE has been a longstanding partner of the WEF and that the complex and interconnected challenges of today require global cooperation to drive tangible, systems-positive change for the long-term.

On the second day of the Davos meeting, the UAE signed several agreements with the WEF to enhance cooperation across various sectors globally. One of the key agreements signed was the framework agreement for the Global Future Councils, which will be organised in Dubai in October 2023. The Global Future Councils is a WEF initiative that brings together experts from various fields to address global challenges and opportunities.

The UAE also signed a grant agreement with the WEF regarding the organization of an annual forum for TradeTech Global: Catalyzing trade technology deployment. This collaboration will include research and dialogue, policy incubation, reform and implementation.

In addition to these agreements, the UAE’s leadership in sectors such as global climate action, trade, and technology was also highlighted on the second day of the meeting. Huda Al Hashmi, Deputy Minister of Cabinet Affairs for Strategic Affairs, participated in the meeting of the Metaverse Governance Steering Committee. This further demonstrates the UAE’s commitment to driving positive change in these sectors.

In conclusion, the UAE’s partnerships with the WEF and its leadership in sectors such as global climate action, trade, and technology, position the country as a regional and global center for studying innovative government practices and developing mechanisms to support government work. The country’s vision to be a reliable partner and global hub for positive change is well on its way to being realized.



Fatima Nabeel

My reporting spans topics mostly on tech and women's issues, minority rights, immigration and the environment.