A poem I just came across!

Fatima Amir
2 min readJul 27, 2023


There is always a point in our lives when we feel like GIVING UP. Sometimes we give up even before we started. Sometimes we give up just when we are about to reach our goal. Life is full of setbacks. So what do you do during these discouraging moments? What I have learnt from this piece of poetry is that you never give up. You pick yourself up and you keep going. You believe in yourself, you believe in Allah and he will help you push through your tough times.

Our hardest times often lead us to the greatest moments of our lives. We should always keep going. Tough times build strong people at the end.

All problems have a solution.

Thomas Edison had over 1000 unsuccessful attempts at creating the light bulb before he achieved the workable solution. Regardless of the problem you are stuck on, the situation is not hopeless, be it in your personal or professional life.

Your past does not dictate your future.

No matter how many times you’ve failled in your past, there’s no guarantee that you are going to fail this time as well. Every successful person has failed once in their lives.

Believe in Allah

As said in the poem, Allah knows everything. He knows the beginning and the end. He knows about your struggles and your pain. Just believe in Allah and he will help you push through your tough times.

No matter how difficult things get, you just have to keep going even if no one believes in you. You have to believe in yourself and Allah.

Written by: Fatima Amir



Fatima Amir

A young writer and a proud Pakistani who has a love for writing and wants to showcase her writing in front of the world. Be part of my journey by following me!