4 Types of Bosses You Don’t Want to Face and How to React

Fatin Muzini
3 min readFeb 4, 2024


1. The One that Screams and Shouts

A boss screaming at his employee

And not in a good way like the Will.i.am “Scream and Shout” song but in the open office type of way where you are at talking distance with them, and also at a distance where everyone can hear what is being said to you. These type of people dictate power, purposefully show humiliation and have no empathy on how others feel.

Your reaction:

Internally you may want to wish harm on them and hope a bus hits them, but truthfully you have one or two ways: 1. Quit OR 2. Take it and find your way to another part of the organisation. And most importantly it also teaches you what not to do when you one day become a leader yourself. Even though this is something we know that people shouldn’t do, sometimes by experiencing it makes us more aware of how we should be towards others.

2. The One That Throws You Under The Bus

These are the snakiest and sneakiest people that you’ll encounter. The type that will BCC you in an email that you have no knowledge of. The ones that will take credit for your work and their mistakes as your fault.

Your reaction:

You will start to have trust issues with people thinking that everyone is out to get you, which is not a great belief to have. You will have to reframe your way of thinking and give people the benefit of the doubt, before judging them. The only way to win against these kinds of bosses is to ensure your work is excellent and record everything and even that may not be enough.

3. The Demoralising One

Synonyms for demoralising

This kind of boss is not confident about themselves and their abilities and in turn will make you also feel very unmotivated at work.

Your reaction:

Realise that this is more about them and has nothing to do with your abilities. All you can control is what you do and know that you have done the best that you can and it is your boss responsibility to bring it home. You can only do so much.

4. The Indecisive One

These may be one of the more difficult ones to work with because of the fact that they cannot make a decision, nothing ever gets done. These are the same type of people that will side with stronger powers even though earlier on, they agreed with you.

Your reaction:

Should try to not be unmotivated, but instead find ways to overcome your obstacles because the only person that is going to suffer is yourself as you are going to end up not getting any work done.

In Conclusion

Although of course we want the best leaders and managers to support us, but experiencing things that are not ideal make us more appreciative when we have a really good leader and manager and personally for me makes me more aware about the kind of person I do not want to be.

And this is me signing out.



Fatin Muzini

I write about work and how I am a work-in-progress because nothing is truly the final product.