Airplane Crash Analysis

Fatodu Oluwatobiloba
3 min readJul 21, 2022


Image by Jethuynhcan


In fulfilment of the 30DaysofLearning project the second project worked on is the Airplane Crashes and Fatalities Since 1908 to 2019.

The analysis answered questions such as:

  • number of fatality recorded across the years
  • number of fatality recorded across the 1 months
  • number of fatality recorded by route and aircraft type
  • number of fatality recorded by period of the day

Data Collection

The data was provided by the 30DaysOfLearning instructors in a GitHub folder, the origin of the dataset can be further traced to Kaggle. The dataset can also be gotten Here.

Data Preparation

Microsoft Excel was used to take a brief look at the dataset to understand and determine the insights to derive from the data.

Further analysis and visualization was carried out in Power BI.

A calendar table was created which served as the date table for the analysis.


The period of the day was derived using conditional formatting in power query. This was done to determine the period of the day with high fatality rate.

Data Visualization and Insights

  • Total number of people aboard is 102,067 out of which 28,017 (27.45%) survived the crash while 74,050 (72.55%) died from the crash.
  • The highest number of fatality was recorded in 1985 in which a total of 2,328 total death was recorded.
  • The route with the highest fatality recorded is Tenerife-Las Palmas with a total 583 deaths recorded.
  • The type of Aircraft with the highest number of fatality recorded is Douglas DC-3 with a total of 2,162 deaths recorded
  • Most death recorded occurred in the morning between 5:00am-11:59am with a total of 20,750 deaths recorded during this time frame. While the least number of deaths occurred in the Noon between 12:00noon and 12:59pm.
  • Most death recorded occurred in November in which 7,429 people died from air crash across different years.

Some of the reasons that could lead to aviation crash include:

  1. Most of the errors could be as a result of human mistakes ranging from the Pilot’s error, Crew members mistakes, Traffic controller’s negligence
  2. Weather condition
  3. Negligence towards maintenance of the aircraft and some others.

You can read more on why aviation accidents occur Here.



  • Human errors are fatal therefore airline operators, crew members, traffic controllers should adhere strictly to rules and regulations guiding flying an air craft so as to reduce the rate of aircraft accidents.
  • Weather is also one of the factors that causes aircraft crash the weather then should be better studied so as to determine if it’s safe to fly an aircraft at the time.

You can interact with the dashboard Here.

I can be reached via LinkedIn and Twitter.



Fatodu Oluwatobiloba

I am a Data Analyst intern, hoping to gain more experience at Data Analysis, working to gain proficiency. I’m also hoping to gain more connections.