Care Streamer Chatbot Commands, Alerts, and Messages

Faulkner Fellowship
3 min readFeb 7, 2024


Timed messages can be set to notify new viewers of the additional content advisories not covered by standard Twitch warning messages.

These alerts can also notify new viewers of active digital bystander intervention strategies (DBIS): privacy commands, alarm commands, and other intervention features implemented on the stream.

DBIS Announcement Templates

Using one or a several of these timed messages is essential to providing your audience with the key information they need to know in the event that privacy or intervention is needed.

  • (10 min interval) “You are watching a care stream which documents the life and care routines of {name} for educational purposes. Please respect the patient, staff, and viewer’s dignity by only enabling privacy via DBIS commands (!brb / !back / !censor) upon request. Viewer discretion is advised.”
  • Content Warning: The following stream broadcasts the day to day life of {name} in their care facility. Intervention strategies for privacy or distraction are appreciated upon request from the stream or staff! See: !DBIS
  • DBIS Commands: !alarm | !brb | !back | !censor !DB | !DBIS
  • The following livestream may contain graphic imagery, accidental indecency, dramatic or disturbing scenes. Please use !brb or !censor {time} if you are uncomfortable, please use !alert or !vote alert if you think the streamer’s guardian should check on the stream.
  • Recommendations for the stream? Submit to our suggestions form here (Google Form Link)


These can be added to your custom commands tab for your stream manager (StreamElements, Twitchat, Streamer.Bot configs on the way):

  • !alarm: Triggers smart bulb, LED, and/or sound alarms in the room (setups pending)
  • !back: Changes broadcaster software scene from privacy screen to mic/webcam scene.
  • !brb: Changes broadcaster software scene to a privacy overlay muting audio/video feed
!brb DBIS privacy overlay
  • !carestreams: “Want to do this yourself or help a loved one care stream? Get started here:”
  • !censor {time}: Switches to privacy overlay for {time} ms. (10000 = 10 seconds, 45000 = 45 seconds)
  • !DB: “Learn more about digital bystander intervention strategies here: and here:”
  • !DBIS: “The following digital bystander intervention strategies have been implemented:{list of privacy/alarm and report commands}”
  • !discord: “Join our Discord at {link}”
  • !lurk: Notifies the streamer that a viewer is present but not actively watching.
  • !rules: Notifies viewers of specific stream rules and guidelines.
  • !so {name}: “Shout out to {name}. They are super cool!” (shoutout for raids/supporters)

This doesn’t take but a few minutes to implement, tutorials and configurations will be added soon. Suggestions and recommendations are appreciated!

Live-streaming environments where care is being administered can be an educational and entertaining experience for all parties involved.

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Faulkner Fellowship

Advocating for livestreams in long term care facilities to enrich the quality of life for patients and their caregivers