Introducing Brennan Stults

Jeremiah Faulstick
3 min readMar 12, 2024


Allow me to introduce Brennan Stults, a student and football player at Southern Oregon University. Stults is a junior at Southern Oregon University, Brennan brings a wealth of expertise and passion to the football team. Known for his high football IQ and leadership, he consistently puts his teammates’ success before his own. Beyond football, Brennan is a great student, demonstrating his multifaceted nature and dedication to both his passion for football and his commitment to being a college student. It is with great pleasure that I introduce Brennan Stults, a student athlete who embodies excellence and innovation in all he pursues.

Brennan Stults is a 6’3, 200 lb. 22-year-old male with curly red hair with a mustache and goatee. Brennan was born and raised in Medford, Oregon. Brennan has a very athletic build due to his strong work ethic and persistent training. Brennan is a confident guy who walks with a big chest and confidence. Brennan always seems to have a smile on his face, especially when he’s with his dog Bree. Brennan will take any chance he gets to take Bree out into public, it seems like they’re inseparable.

Although Brennan looks like this big tough guy, he is as nice as can be and treats everyone he meets with kindness and respect. Family is very important to him and when asked if he could share a pivotal moment or experience that shaped him today? Brennan responded with “A pivotal moment in my life that changed me was the day my grandfather died. We were really close, and I have never experienced loss before. I had no idea that the last day I spent with him would be my last day talking to him and learning from him. This taught me that life is short and that it is a blessing. This also taught me that not everyone is worth your time. You should spend your time with the ones you love and appreciate.”

Before transferring to Southern Oregon in winter of 2023 to play football Brennan attended George Fox University for 2 and ½ years. Brennan has been through a lot of adversity in his life and when asked If he were to write a memoir about his life, what would be the title and what would it focus on? Brennan said, “If I were to write a memoir, I believe the title would be “Keep Moving Forward,” while the purpose behind it was perseverance. There have been many moments in my life where I have wanted to quit, but I just kept trying and bettering myself, and I ended up successful. This is a message I would want to spread to other people.” This speaks volumes about Brennan, his biggest point of this message is that he wants to inspire others.

In conclusion, Brennan stands as a shining example of dedication, talent, and integrity. With his remarkable achievements and unwavering commitment to excellence, he inspires all those around him. Whether it’s on the football field or off of it, Brennan exemplifies the qualities of a true leader and visionary. It has been an honor to introduce him, and I have no doubt that he will continue to make a huge impact on those around him throughout the rest of his life.

