Do You Want Multiple Urns?

Faupel funeralhome
3 min readMar 3, 2022


While some families get an urn for their loved one’s cremated remains, funeral homes want you to know that you can use two or more urns as well, if you choose to do so.

When you have a cremation service with a funeral home for a loved one, you have decisions to make around that initial choice. Once you pick a cremation package, you know that your loved one is going to get what they need. But you want to get the best for the rest of your family as well. You can use the cremation container that the provider will give you with any package, but you can also choose an urn for your loved one. While urns are a nice touch for any memorial service, you might want to get more than one. Here are a few reasons to consider multiple urns for a loved one.

Different Family Members Can Keep Remains

If you have several family members who might want to keep your loved one, you can split their remains into two or even more urns in order to give each family member a little bit of your loved one to keep. That’s a nice way to spread your loved one around with the people who cared about them the most.

No One Has To Argue Over What To Do

Not every family gets along perfectly and your family might have different ideas when it comes to what they want to do for your loved one. If you want to scatter your loved one’s ashes, but your sibling wants to keep them in the family home, that’s a problem. With cremation through the funeral home, however, it doesn’t have to be an issue. You can split your loved one’s remains into two (or more) separate urns and each family member can do what they want with them. Your sibling can keep their urn with the ashes and you can take yours to the park and scatter your loved one there, as you wanted.

Give Everyone A Chance At A Strong Memorial/Connection

You might feel like you are cheated if you don’t have your loved one in your home after their cremation. You want a permanent memorial to them in your house and that connection will only come with having their ashes present. It’s okay for you to get several urns and place your loved one in several locations. You can have the connection you want, and so can others in your family.

Let Your Loved One Be With Many People

Your loved one might have had a lot of people who care about them. Even if you all agree that your loved one can stay in a certain location, you might not feel completely right about it. You might want them to be able to be with all of the people who cared about them and loved them during their lifetime. Splitting their remains among those people is a nice way to honor them.

When you talk to the funeral home and cremation professionals, you can talk about the different options for cremated remains. You can even split the remains between two or more urns if you want to go that direction.

