How To Value Time & Monetizing Knowledge With Calendly + Stripe

Fausto Torres
2 min readJun 12, 2024


Stripe + Calendly

I'm getting more and more people reaching me out to ask about indie hack, validate ideas, and how to bootstrap apps — actually I don't like to talk about ideas, validation, bootstrap, etc that much cuz

  • Ideas to work it's very personal thing.
  • People should know in what they're working on, not in what other people say.

Although I tweeted about it, people are still reaching out to me, so I decided to find a way to help them somehow, but it needs to work for me and for them. Telling other people what they should work on and advising them involves a high degree of responsibility and commitment from both parts. I share everyday tweets, tiktoks, articles, and free content about my learnings, winnings, mistakes, and people can have full benefit of it, including reaching me via DM. I'm busy, I won't stop working on my projects to reply DMs, and I still doing it when possible — my priorities first.

Recently, I open new channel to people book a hour with me, so we can focus, discuss, validate ideas, find/work on solutions, for their apps. Also I decided to charge for it, because unfortunately not all people value what's free, and most the time they think I'm should be avail 24x7 to support them for free.


  • I won't stop working on my stuffs to answer DMs (but still replying when possible).
  • To help people, I’m open to talk to them, I made it possible to them book a hour with me (using Calendly).
  • The only way to value my time and have the commitment from both parts is charge for it. So people can understand I'm not avail 24x7 (Stripe).

Also it's a good way you can also monetize your knowledge and value your time, set your Calendly + Stripe and share the link to people start booking calls and meetings with you. I built this Calendly + Stripe in public in less than 20 minutes. I'm sharing cool tips (including this of how to monetize your knowledge for free) on my twitter — feel free to join the journey.




Fausto Torres

👨‍💻 Indie hacker bootstrapping & building cool consumer apps in public