Top 10 High-Paying Jobs in Australia for International Students: Your Comprehensive Guide

Fausto Torres
3 min readJan 22, 2024


When living abroad, I faced the challenging for with limited English proficiency to secure certain high-paying professions in Australia. However, I figured out soon some entry-level jobs may be more accessible, particularly in industries with a diverse workforce. Keep in mind that minimum wages and average hourly rates can vary based on factors like location and industry. Here are ten potential options:

  1. Fruit Picking / Farm Work
  • Hourly Pay: Varies, but it can range from $20 to $30 per hour.
  • Note: Some regional areas offer opportunities for fruit picking or farm work where language skills may be less critical.

2. Cleaners and Housekeepers

  • Hourly Pay: Around $20 to $25 per hour.
  • Note: Cleaning jobs may require minimal communication, and there’s often a demand for cleaning services.

3. Kitchen Hand/Dishwashing Staff in Restaurants/Cafes

  • Hourly Pay: Approximately $20 to $25 per hour.
  • Note: Working in a kitchen might require less verbal communication, and there’s often a need for kitchen assistants.

4. Warehouse Jobs

  • Hourly Pay: Varies, but it can range from $20 to $30 per hour.
  • Note: Some warehouse positions may require less interaction and could be an option.

5. Construction Laborer

  • Hourly Pay: Typically around $20 to $30 per hour.
  • Note: Physical labor jobs may require less verbal communication.

6. Car Wash Attendant

  • Hourly Pay: Approximately $20 to $25 per hour.
  • Note: Car wash jobs may involve less complex communication.

7. Retail Positions (Stocking Shelves)

  • Hourly Pay: Around $20 to $25 per hour.
  • Note: Some retail jobs, particularly those involving stocking shelves, may have limited customer interaction.

8. Factory Work

  • Hourly Pay: Varies, but it can range from $20 to $30 per hour.
  • Note: Some factory positions may involve repetitive tasks with minimal communication requirements.

9. Courier/Delivery Driver

  • Hourly Pay: Around $20 to $25 per hour.
  • Note: Delivery jobs may have limited interaction, especially if you’re working with packages.

10. Landscaping/Gardening

  • Hourly Pay: Approximately $20 to $30 per hour.
  • Note: Working outdoors in landscaping or gardening may require less verbal communication.


11. Cleanroom Technicians

  • Hourly Pay: Varies, but it can range from $25 to $35 per hour.
  • Note: Cleanroom technicians may work in controlled environments where attention to detail is crucial, but the communication requirements might be moderate.

12. Childcare Assistants

  • Hourly Pay: Approximately $20 to $25 per hour.
  • Note: Childcare roles may involve caring for children, and while communication is important, it may be more about non-verbal communication and basic instructions.

13. Process Workers in Manufacturing

  • Hourly Pay: Varies, but it can range from $20 to $30 per hour.
  • Note: Process workers in manufacturing may engage in repetitive tasks with less complex communication requirements.

Remember, these are approximate hourly pay rates, and actual wages may vary depending on the employer, location, and your level of experience. It’s essential to be aware of the Australian work regulations and visa conditions, and always check for the latest information from relevant authorities.

These roles often require more physical labor and may have less stringent language requirements. However, it’s important to note that language proficiency can still be an asset in any job. Students should actively work on improving their English skills over time.

International students should also be aware of visa regulations that dictate the number of hours they are allowed to work. Additionally, local job markets can vary, so it’s advisable to check with employment services or university career centers for updated information on job opportunities and average wages in specific regions.

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Fausto Torres

👨‍💻 Indie hacker bootstrapping & building cool consumer apps in public