Website Audits: Ministry of Health (MOH) Singapore

Fauzian Ahmad
5 min readOct 25, 2023


Created Time: January 2,2023


Ministry of Health (MOH) Singapore is a website belonging to the Ministry of Health Singapore committed to providing media excellence, good health promotion, disease reduction and access to affordable and affordable healthcare for all Singaporeans according to their needs.

Through this website, the Singapore government can manage the public health care system to ensure basic medical services can be fulfilled for every Singaporean. This website also helps achieve the provision of subsidized medical services while promoting individual responsibility for healthcare costs.

Integrated with the National University Health System (NUHS), National Healthcare Group (NHG) and Singapore Health Service (SHC), this public health service website will encourage Singaporeans to adopt a healthy lifestyle, take responsibility for their own health and ensure that services health is acceptable.

Website Audits

Every health service provider’s website is usually created with the aim of providing services for every health complaint, ranging from health articles, doctor consultations, etc. So the success or failure of a health service provider’s website depends on how complete the features it provides, the goals it wants to achieve, and how attractive and effective the design is.

Here are some key points for creating a healthcare provider website:

  • Have clear goals or objectives (For example: Providing access to the nearest hospital)
  • Have at least one CTA (Call to Action) button on the landing page that makes it easy for people to join at any time.
  • Landing pages must be made with a clear and orderly visual hierarchy. Users must easily distinguish which is the heading, which is the hero, which is the main content, which is the footer, etc.
  • Information that is compact and easy to scan. According to the Nielsen Norman Group, 79% of users only scan the websites they view, and only 16% actually read every word.
  • Have Social Proof. Social Proof can be in the form of testimonials, statistics and data, or ratings and reviews. Social Proof can be an effective way to increase user trust.


There are at least four goals that must be achieved on the MOH Singapore website:

  • Promote good health and reduce disease
  • Ensure access to good and affordable health
  • The pursuit of medical excellence

Who are the Audiences

The audience of the MOH Singapore website are all Singaporeans. This website targets all Singaporeans to get good and affordable health services.

The Challenges

If we look at the MOH Singapore website, there are several challenges that can be solved with the website to be created, namely:

  • Web design must be modern and elegant so that users are interested, but still easy enough for senior users (adults) to understand
  • Entire web parts should be categorized with a clear top-to-bottom visual hierarchy
  • Each part of the web can direct the user in achieving their respective goals. For example: providing navigation to a user who wants to find the nearest hospital.
  • The web must clearly provide information and benefits that will be received by the user

Let’s start: Wireframing

1. Navigation Bar

Navigation bar is a useful thing to make it easier for users to find their needs. Therefore, the navigation bar must be made clear without any ambiguity in it so as not to make the user feel dizzy.

2. Hero/Headline

Hero or headline is the first thing visitors will see. So make sure this section is the best and most attention-grabbing part of the landing page.

Try to always place the most important content by thinking about how easy it is for users to scan content.

3. Social Proof

Social proof is a claim submitted to further convince users. This time, social proof is in the form of statistics on the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Singapore.

4. Main Content

The main content must be able to show what benefits the user will receive when using this website. Create relevant content and focus on what advantages are offered to users.

Make a clear visual hierarchy because in this section there will usually be a “failure” to deliver the value prop of the website itself. Note also the placement, position, size and separation or separation between parts. Providing sufficient white-space will also help content to “breathe” and users can scan comfortably.

5. Information

On this website, of course, information is very important. This is because the MOH website is the main source of information and digital health facilities for Singaporeans.

By providing actual and factual information, the public will be given the information they need regarding health.

6. Partners

Partners are one of the important things to increase user confidence in choosing this website as the main means of getting services, information and other matters regarding health. With partners, users don’t need to doubt this website.

7. Footer

The footer is the bottom part of the website and always appears on every page of the site like the header. This section provides information by displaying menus, boxes or social media owned by MOH.


The audit process of the Ministry of Health (MOH) Singapore’s website has a target of improving the health of Singaporeans to the pursuit of medical excellence. In this case I try not only to “show off” my visual skills, but also to create a website that is easy to scan and provides adequate information.

In making it, I took references from the PeduliLindungi application (Mobile Apps COVID-19 in Indonesia) and to improve the visual and experience for the user.

Both the writing and the design are still very far from perfect because the author himself is still in the process of learning. Any suggestions and constructive criticism will be very much welcome. Thank you!

