My TIIDELab Fellowship Experience: 2.0

Jigah Favour Sokoato
4 min readSep 5, 2023


I’m on a mission to become technologically independent, so join me on this exciting new chapter of my TIIDELab Cohort 5 Fellowship adventure!

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.
— Maya Angelou

JavaScript!…The Introduction

The star of the show this second month. Following the thorough instruction we received in our sessions on data structures and algorithms, HTML and CSS, we continued our adventure as we learned the basics of the Javascript programming language. For all software developers, Javascript is a key programming language.

Mr. Kenny, our amiable instructor, has done a fantastic job thus far. To ensure that we all understand an idea, Mr. Kenny will repeat it to us several times. He will bring up the issue again if he is not pleased with our solution. He is constantly available and willing to assist. I must also truly applaud him for the way he attempts to deconstruct several key ideas.
We first discussed some background material on Javascript and the basics of the programming language before moving on to further concepts. Programming principles include things like variables, data types, operators, conditional statements, loops, functions, recursion, arrays, and objects. He always strives to make his classes as engaging as possible. When he teaches some crucial concepts, he also ensures that he uses examples that are applicable to students.

After constructing a bank USSD and ATM Payment System that enables users to buy airtime, transfer airtime, buy data, and transfer money using the if-else control statements as our first Javascript exercise, we were told to alter the exercise using switch-case control statements. Working allowed me to better understand the concepts we learned in class.

Team Projects

This month, tasks were allocated to each of our teams, and my team, Tech Tribe, was tasked with creating the Mental Health Support App, we have named Thrive, which aims to enhance one’s general mental health. This has undoubtedly been the most difficult part of the journey so far, but it has also taught me a lot, including how to work with others more effectively and think creatively and creatively about problems. So far, we have been able to cover important topics that are crucial to the success of our projects, such as Software Requirement Specifications (SRS) and Functional Requirement Documentation (FRD), extremely insightful UI/UX classes crucial to the development of our User Interfaces, and presenting our current status reports as sprints every two weeks.

Highlights from my team’s sprint presentation

Mentor’s Unveiling

Mentors serve as competent guides who can show you their own, less difficult paths. Despite the hardship of their journey, they have made it easier for others who will follow them. Having these mentors around to help us stay on task and avoid getting sidetracked is undoubtedly a positive experience.

The week that we met our mentors was very exciting. They stressed their everlasting commitment to our programme and candidly discussed how they got where they are today.
Having my mentor is undoubtedly a blessing, and I can’t wait to travel the road to independence with him.

Behold!! The mentors of Cohort 5!!

Professional Development Classes

At TIIDELab, there’s always something fun to look forward to on Fridays. Additionally, Mr. Aderoju Shamsudeen does a fantastic job at lecturing the fellows and having them put the lessons into practise. We attended lectures on topics including structured problem-solving, wise decision-making tactics, and ethical decision-making. Some of our sessions for professional growth are always in person, allowing the fellows and I to meet and network with one another afterward. The times I spent with my coworkers will always be appreciated.

Friday Highlights!

In conclusion, my sincerest gratitude will always go out to Mr. Kadir Salami, Mr. Shamsudeen Aderoju, the initiator of the TIIDELab Initiative, Mrs. Celeste, the programme coordinator, the programme director, the entire TIIDELab personnel, and the programme sponsors (ITF and NECA). Thank you so much, and God bless you all always.

I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to read this. The thorough review of my second month at TIIDELab is now complete. Watch this space for more!

