Chinaza Emmanuella


In the first week of October, I completed a series of challenges on JavaScript with Freecodecamp. I completed and mostly understood two subtopics under JavaScript, and they include:

Basic Algorithm Scripting

Under this I learnt and completed a total of 16 challenges:

I was able to reverse a string, …Factorialize a number, … Find the largest word in a string, …Return the largest numbers in a string, …Confirm the ending of a string, …Repeat a string, …Truncate a string, …Title case a sentence, and also learnt Mutations.

Object-Oriented Programming

This is the second sub-topic that I was able to finish, and under this, I completed a total of 26 challenges which roughly took three days to complete. After taking lessons on this, with little or no help I am now able to:

Create a Basic JavaScript Object, …Create a method on an object, …Define a constructor function, …Use a constructor to create objects, …Understand Own Properties, Understand the Prototype chain, …Add method after Inheritance, …Override Inherited words, …and understand “Immediately Invoked Function Expressions(IIFE)”.

Before the first week of October, I had already completed some JavaScript topics, which includes:

Basic JavaScript with a total of 111 challenges,

ES6 with a total of 31 challenges,

Regular Expressions with a total of 33 challenges,

Debugging with a total of 12 challenges,

Basic Data Structure with a total of 19 out of 20 challenges.

I will be able to complete Functional Programming and Intermediate Algorithm Scripting by the end of next week.

Photo by Walling on Unsplash



Chinaza Emmanuella

My name is Chinaza. I am a creative individual passionate about psychology, writing, theatre arts and reading. I also have some knowledge about programming.