My First S3 Bucket

Fawaz C P
4 min readJan 17, 2023


Every object in S3 is stored in a bucket. To upload files and folders to S3, you’ll need to create a bucket where the objects will be stored. In this blog, I step through the process of creating a simple S3 bucket and uploading objects.

Let’s talk about S3 first;

Amazon S3 or Amazon Simple Storage Service is a service offered by Amazon Web Services that provides object storage through a web service interface.

An Object is the data S3 stores. An object in s3 is made up of two main components and some associated metadata.

1- Object key= file name,

2- Value = data or contents of the object

Some important key points about S3;

  • It is a core AWS service.
  • It is a global storage platform
  • The S3 bucket is region based and it’s resilient
  • It is a public service and we can store unlimited data
  • S3 is perfect for hosting large amounts of data like movies, audio, photos, text, and large data sets……
  • Buckets names are globally unique (3–63 characteristics with lowercase, no underscores)
  • The value of an object can range from zero bytes up to five terabytes in size
  • All s3 buckets by default are private.

Let’s See how to create an S3 bucket

To create an S3 bucket you need to have an AWS account. If you don’t, then head over to and create a free-tier account.

Sign in to the AWS Management console.

1- Search S3 and click on s3

2- Click on Create bucket.

3- Give a unique bucket name and select the region where you want to store your object or you can leave as by default

4- Leave everything by default and Scroll down to the bottom and click on create bucket

5- Now you can see a dialogue box pop-up that says successfully created bucket “bucket name”

6- Click on your bucket name it will open the bucket. Now you will see the below interface then click on upload

7- Add any files from your desktop or laptop. To upload click on Add files

9- Now you can click on upload, and it will upload the images that we added.

10- Now we can see the file upload succeeded.

11-Click/ select the object we uploaded and click on Open

12- It will open that image in a new browser.

Go ahead and do the same with other objects(files) as well.

13- Once you are done with all that we can delete the s3 bucket. But before deleting the S3 bucket we need to delete the files that we uploaded. Select all files and click on the ‘Delete’ tab

14- You will prompt this interface. Type ‘permanently delete’ and click on ‘Delete objects’

15-Click on the ‘Close’ tab

16- Go back to the bucket name and select the bucket that we created and click n ‘Delete’

Copy and paste or enter the bucket name and click on ‘Delete Bucket’

In this lesson you have learned;

  • How to create an S3 bucket
  • How to upload objects
  • How to open objects
  • How to delete files from an s3 bucket
  • And how to delete the s3 bucket

Thank you!🤗



Fawaz C P

DevOps Engineer | AWS Community Builder | Enthusiastic in learning and adapting new skills.