Looking back at Dev Bootcamp

Faye Hayes
2 min readSep 1, 2017


It has been nearly a year since I was laid off from my first post-college job. I felt very vulnerable and unsure about what the future held for me. Now, looking back, I’m very grateful for that opportunity because that was just the nudge I needed to take my leap of faith into an industry that I never thought I could see myself in.

By complete chance, I found Dev Bootcamp, an immersive coding program. At first, I was very skeptical. I didn’t believe that in the span of 18 weeks I could walk away a junior software developer. But I did. I graduated from this amazing program having worked together with a wonderful team, and actually developed fully functional mobile application (that is actually on my phone)!

At Dev Bootcamp, I learned how to learn, how to be comfortable being uncomfortable, how to think outside of the box and hunt down the answers for those elusive questions that attempted to stump me. The people I met here come from various industries with one common goal to completely changing their lives. We learned that software engineering does not happen in a silo. With 1200+ hours of pair programming experience under our belt, we learned the value of collaboration and communication.

Last Friday, I graduated from this incredible program, found my passion in tech and with a hunger to continue building meaningful and beautiful things! And a huge thanks to the teachers, mentors, and alum for encouraging us boots to keep building the thing.

If any friends have any tips or insight into the industry or know of any open junior developer roles, please, feel free to reach out.



Faye Hayes

Developing products for non-technical founders. Need help? Schedule a free clarity call: https://calendly.com/imfayehayes/clarity-call