Fayerweather Douglas
2 min readMay 12, 2019


Hmmm. The tone of your article almost seems to threaten Jordan Peterson with male on male sex. Why use your come ons as weapons to make him uncomfortable or shame him if bisexual sex is normal and good? That’s kind of biphobic no? Sort of like threatening a man with sex from a fat woman would be fat phobic.

I am currently dating a bisexual man, and I’m a polyamorous woman. I saw your article in a massive women only Facebook group for women who support Jordan Peterson. His message isn’t always perfectly on point, and I’ll agree that he has blind spots (not knowing much about polyamory or bi/pansexuality being two of them), but I feel like his lectures are largely beneficial for people, regardless of age, gender or sexual orientation. They rely on deep themes involving ways to improve ourselves as unique people, and how to improve our personal connections and the world around us. He doesn’t waste a lot of time talking about the intricacies of people who fall into groups such as LGBT, race, ethnicity, nationality. His whole deal is focusing in on people as sovereign individuals.

This idea that he is followed only by angry young white men is a racist and sexist stereotype. But even if it weren’t, I believe our culture has a massive blind spot when it comes to the pain suffered by young men. We cast their pain as malevolence and misogyny. Rather than seeing it as a cry for help. They cannot be seen as victims. It isn’t allowed. They must forever be evil, racist, misogynist, toxic perpetrators of crimes against society. It is rare that people like yourself might stop to consider that maybe those who commit these crimes might be in need of aid or sympathy. Peterson did that, and this is why so many young men are drawn to him (along with all kinds of other folks). His kindness and sympathy towards those suffering from anxiety and depression is heartening. His advice is rational and solid. It might be too traditional for you, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t of great value to millions of others.

Anyway, you sound like a good writer. Its too bad you needed to wield bisexuality like a sarcastic weapon, rather than criticize Peterson based solely on your issues with his work.

