Design System Elements: Text Fields

Fayeza Tasnim
3 min readSep 12, 2023


a Log In screen

As a UI/UX designer with almost three years of experience, I’ve recently embarked on a 90-day UI design challenge, courtesy of Michal Malewicz. This journey has not only reignited my passion for design but also pushed me to enhance my skills one day at a time. Amidst the simplicity of crafting login screens, I’ve rediscovered the importance of even the most basic design elements, such as text fields. Today, I want to delve into the nuances of text field design.

Understanding Text Fields

Before we dive into the intricacies of text field design, let’s establish what a text field is. In essence, it’s an input field where users enter various forms of data, ranging from text to numbers.

Think about a food delivery app where you are typing the food you want to order. Yes, that’s the text field. Or, even when we are creating an account in an app, we need to fill boxes with our email and passwords. That input fields are our text fields.

a account Registration screen

Dimensions Matter

When designing text fields for mobile screens, it’s essential to consider their dimensions. Typically, mobile text fields stretch the width of the screen, minus the margins. In terms of height, they commonly clock in at around 48 pixels. So, for a standard mobile text field, we’re looking at dimensions like (320 x 48) pixels. When translating this to web design, adapt the measurements according to the available space.

Pairing with Labels

Text field design

A well-designed text field is often accompanied by a label that instructs users on what to input. However, when crafting this pairing, it’s crucial to adhere to the “Hierarchy” principle. This principle stipulates that the label is less significant than the data input field itself. Therefore, the label text should be slightly smaller, at least 2 pixels smaller than the text size used for the field input. For instance, consider a label text size of 14px in semibold with a dark color, while opting for a 16px text size for the field input itself.

By adhering to these fundamental guidelines, you can create text fields that not only maintain a sleek aesthetic but also ensure an intuitive user experience.

Incorporating these practices into your design system will elevate the overall usability and aesthetics of your interfaces. So, the next time you find yourself crafting a text field, remember these key considerations to make your design truly shine.

Happy designing! 🎨💻

