Innovation 5: Disputes — 12 Innovations for Tomorrow’s Business


Innovation Five: Quantum Computing and Multi-Scenario Simulations

A Mini Forward

In the shadowy dusty corridors of traditional dispute resolution, the need for an overhaul is palpable. Trillions of dollars are spent on disputes by businesses each year, in direct costs, so clearly something isn’t working.

As business evolves at an unprecedented pace, so must our mechanisms for resolving conflict. I’m delving into twelve radical future innovations to reshape how businesses approach disputes. At the very least, it’s food for thought.

As with all revolutionary ideas, the journey and the destination count in equal measure. It’s a call to every visionary leader, every forward-thinking expert, and every aspirational business entity to think and play bigger for better results.

At a minimum, this series will expand your appreciation of possibility.

Multiple States, Simultaneously

In the quantum realm, things can exist in multiple states simultaneously. It’s quite unparalleled. The marriage of quantum computing with multi-scenario simulations has the ability to drastically improve our understanding of potential outcomes and resolutions, and resultantly shape more effective choices.

Demystifying All Things ‘Quantum’

For many people in business who do not have a computer science background, technological capabilities and terminologies can overwhelm, confuse, and are often dismissed due to lack of understanding. But this need not be the case. Everyone has just about got their head around Artificial Intelligence (AI) and generative AI, so let’s push the boundaries whilst we’re on a roll.

Traditional computers use bits as the smallest unit of data, representing either a 0 or a 1. Quantum computers, however, use ‘qubits’, which can represent both 0 and 1 simultaneously, based on a phenomenon called ‘superposition’. In layman terms, this means quantum computers can process a vast amount of information at once, making them exceptionally powerful for specific tasks.

The Power of Multi-Scenario Simulations

In any dispute, there are many factors at play, leading to various potential outcomes. The more complex the dispute, the more layers. Predicting the outcomes of various routes to resolution can be incredibly challenging when factoring in the views and interests of all parties in dispute; sometimes seemingly impossible. However, with quantum computing, multi-scenario simulations can be fed with the subjective and nuanced inputs that distinguish a set of circumstances, and be run in moments, assessing millions of potential outcomes to identify objectively optimal resolution pathways.

The Benefits of Simulation

By simulating and visualising potential outcomes, more informed decisions can be made which are based on a more comprehensive understanding of repercussions. Simulation also reduces the trial-and-error approach often prevalent in negotiations, speeding up the resolution process and greatly improving chances of success.

Quantum simulations can factor in very minute details, ensuring that solutions are truly tailored to the unique nuances of each dispute. That’s pretty special, and certainly an enhancement to human capability.

The Challenges of Quantum

I always like to call out potential challenges and address them head on. There will of course be many more than mentioned here, however challenges should not be a deterrent for technological progress.

The first challenge is technical complexity. It’s always much easier to build theory than it is to practically execute — especially when it comes to harnessing complex technology like quantum computing in an effective way. Arguably however, it wouldn’t be as interesting if it was easy!

There is then the question of availability and cost versus benefit. Any solution needs to be both worthwhile and accessible to make it valuable.

Lastly, interpretation. Yes, quantum simulations can provide outcomes, but interpreting and applying these simulations in real-world scenarios will require skill. Perhaps application of quantum computing will require a new type of resolution resource, away from traditional mediators and general commercial resource.

The Future is Predictive

Or is it? Quantum-enhanced multi-scenario simulations are quite possibly the zenith of predictive dispute resolution. It’s a fusion of cutting-edge technology and the intricate dynamics of human disputes. It’s business, done the intelligently anticipative way.

Fayola-Maria Jack is a Director at Healthy Good Business ®



Fayola-Maria Jack, PC.dp. MCIPS MBA PhD Candidate

Award winning contracts & dispute resolution expert. Named in the top 5 women in UK business by Management Today & Accenture. Director, Jack & Ko ®