Diagnosing and Fixing Thread Contention in Multithreaded .NET Applications

Understanding and Resolving Thread Contention in Multithreaded .NET Applications for Enhanced Performance and Stability

Faisal Iqbal
6 min read3 days ago

Most performance bottlenecks in multithreaded .NET applications occur due to thread contention. Application slowdowns, bottlenecks and even application crashes might occur as a result of thread contention. This blog will help you understand what thread contention is, how to identify common issues, and provides solutions to resolve them.

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What is Thread Contention?

Thread contention occurs when multiple threads attempt to access a shared resource simultaneously, but only one thread can succeed, causing the others to wait. This waiting can significantly degrade performance, especially in highly concurrent applications.

Example Scenario: Imagine multiple threads in an e-commerce application trying to update the stock level of a product simultaneously. If the operation is not managed correctly, threads will compete to lock the shared resource (the stock level), causing delays.

1. Overuse of Locks

Problem: Using locks excessively or locking large blocks of code unnecessarily can cause threads to spend more time waiting than doing useful work. This happens…



Faisal Iqbal

I write about event-driven architectures, distributed systems, garbage collection and other topics related to .NET and ASP.NET.