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Machine Learning 101 — Day 4: Datasets and Data Preparation

3 min read4 days ago


Welcome back to our journey into Machine Learning! Today, we’re diving into the world of datasets and data preparation — essential steps in building robust machine learning models. Imagine you’re preparing ingredients for a recipe. Each ingredient needs to be clean, measured, and ready to use. Similarly, in machine learning, we need clean, well-prepared data to train our models effectively.

Step 1: Collecting Data 📊

Let’s say we’re working on a project to predict housing prices in a city. We start by gathering data from various sources — real estate websites, government records, and surveys. Each piece of data includes details like the size of the house (in square feet), number of bedrooms, location, and price.

Step 2: Cleaning the Data 🧼

Once we have our raw data, we need to clean it to remove errors, inconsistencies, or missing values. Here’s how we might clean our housing dataset:

  • Removing Duplicates: Check for and remove any duplicate entries to ensure each data point is unique.
  • Handling Missing Values: Identify and decide how to handle missing data. For example, if some houses don’t have information on the number of bedrooms, we might impute the median value for that feature.
  • Data Formatting: Standardize formats across different data types (e.g., ensuring all numerical values are in the same units) to avoid errors during analysis.

Example: Cleaning Data

Let’s clean a sample dataset of housing prices:

Handling Missing Values:

  • Replace NaN values:
  • Bedrooms: Replace NaN with the median value of 3.
  • Price: Remove rows where Price is NaN because predicting prices is our goal and having NaN in this case will not serve the purpose
  • Removing Duplicates: Check for and remove any duplicate entries. There are no duplicates in our case.
  • Data Formatting: Ensure all numerical values are in the same units (e.g., square feet for size and dollars for price).

Step 3: Exploring the Data 🕵️‍♂️

Once cleaned, we explore the data to understand its characteristics and relationships. We might use statistical methods and visualizations (like histograms or scatter plots) to gain insights into how different features (size, bedrooms, location) relate to housing prices.

Real-World Applications

In real-world applications, data preparation is crucial across various industries:

  • Healthcare: Cleaning and structuring patient data for predictive modeling of diseases.
  • Finance: Standardizing financial data for risk assessment and fraud detection.
  • E-commerce: Preparing customer data for personalized recommendation systems.

Tools and Technologies

Professionals use tools like Python libraries (Pandas, NumPy) and data cleaning platforms (OpenRefine, Trifacta) to streamline data preparation tasks. These tools automate cleaning processes, handle large datasets efficiently, and ensure data quality for accurate machine learning outcomes.


Data preparation lays the foundation for successful machine learning projects, ensuring that models can learn effectively from high-quality data. By cleaning, formatting, and exploring datasets thoroughly, practitioners enable robust analysis and insights that drive informed decisions across industries.

Join us tomorrow as we delve into the fascinating world of machine learning algorithms! We’ll explore how different algorithms work and their applications in solving diverse real-world problems. Until then, keep exploring and refining your data skills! 🌟




Hi there! 👋 I'm Fayzan, a writer dedicated to spreading joy and laughter through my words! Let's explore the lighter side of life together! 😄🌟