Why Apple refused using the USB-C type

Fayzullo Davronov
3 min readApr 2, 2022


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In the past, almost all tech companies used to make a USB port for charging their devices. Eventually, companies changed it to USB-C type but when it comes to Apple it is a bit complicated. Have you ever think why Apple doesn’t use USB-C type on its iPhones?! Well, in this story I am going to explain it.

Before answering this question we should look back to 2011 when big tech companies including Apple were working on developing the USB-C type. But at the same time, Apple was working on developing a new device iPhone 5 which was thinner than the previous version iPhone 4s. As you know charging port of the iPhone 4 and 4s was quite big. So Apple needed to use a thinner and smaller charging port for its new device. Apple was planning to release the iPhone 5 in 2012 while the USB-C type was about to release after 2 years in 2014. So obviously Apple had no way to use USB-C type on its iPhone 5 version, but the company had 2 options whether they keep the old charging system which looks ugly and doesn’t fit in a new design, or create a new type of charging system.

iPhone 4S charging port
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Apple chose the 2nd option and started working on developing a Lightning connector. It was a good move by the company since it helped Apple to improve the ecosystem. That’s the reason why Apple doesn’t use the USB-C type. But you are probably wondering how about later versions such as iPhone 6 /7/8?!

Well, later in 2014 the USB-C type came out, and almost all companies started producing devices with the USB-C type charging port, except Apple! The issue with Apple was the company has already changed its charging port recently in 2012 and if they change it to USB-C type again after 2 years it might cause backlash from users. So Apple decided to stick with the Lightning connector for a longer period.

Apple’s later iPhones charging port (Lightning connector)
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Lightning connector cable
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After years Apple eventually released several products such as AirPods, Magic Mouse, Airpods Pro, iPad, etc. Since AirPods and iPhones should work seamlessly Apple was forced to use the same type of charger for other devices. At the same time, Apple uses USB-C type for its other products like MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, Mac Pro, etc.

So, Is Apple planning to switch from the Lightning connector to the USB-C type?

The short answer is NO! here is why…

Apple is planning to completely remove the wired charging and switch to the wireless charging system for iPhones. Wireless charging which Apple has already developed and called MagSafe has benefits for users as well as for the device. Wired charging might cause some damage to the iPhone because users should connect the cable every time so MagSafe would be a better solution for this and it is comfortable for users as well.

iPhone without a charging port would probably look like this:

This is an edited image to show reader how future iPhones might look like without charging port

Let’s wrap it up, as you can see Apple did not intentionally develop a new type of charger but the company had no other choice. But personally, I think it was a lucky move to improve the company’s ecosystem.



Fayzullo Davronov

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