ELAD.Network — Reliable Real estate invesment Platform Based Blockchain Technology

Crypto Mafia
4 min readJul 11, 2019



The ELAD Network property platform is the portal for real estate fractional ownership and direct Peer 2 Peer property sales. The platform will provide a conduit for purchase and investment in commercial and residential real estate using most popular cryptocurrencies. BUILD A DIVERSE PORTFOLIO, OWN A PIECE OF LONDON, NEW YORK OR PARIS. Use the latest blockchain technology to maximum returns and control your investments.


ELAD Network is a Real Estate platform with a difference. By taking advantage of the power of fractional ownership any property can be divided into different sized blocks we can provide investment opportunities from £50 to £50,000 up to the value of the property. Anyone has the ability to purchase these blocks but there are only a limited number available for each property, once owned there will be a monthly return on the profit which is directly relational to the size of the block that you have invested in (fractional ownership).

ELAD Network will combine Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Artificial Intelligence technology to create a Cryptocurrency and a Real Estate platform that will give everyone access to the liquidity of Real Estate, the world’s largest asset class.


ELAD tokens are developed against the ERC20 Standard as implemented by Ethereum making them instantly compatible with the Ethereum wallet and any other client or contract that uses the ERC20 standard.

Cryptocurrency coins represent a “share” of something which could be physical or digital. In our case, the ELAD token once traded against real estate

becomes the ELAD coin which represents a “share” of a physical property, the ELAD coin then represents your share of the purchased property, it is therefore backed by a stable tangible asset, not just an idea.

Because a lot of other existing tokens are also ERC20 compliant, ELAD tokens can be easily traded including on various exchanges that will let anyone to convert ELAD tokens to other coin types such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin or back to fiat (cash) money.

How The Platform Works


Browse through our catalog of properties until you find one that you would like to invest blocks (shares). View all statistics, monthly returns, documents and history of the property.


Decide how many blocks and the value of each block that you would like to invest.


Earn a monthly return on your blocks with no hidden fees and true transparency. Payments from the rental income and any appreciation on the property is factored into your monthly returns.

Control Your Investments


Asset ownership is stored immutably and decentralised on the Ethereum Blockchain. This means that your transactions are transparent and secure.


You can sell your blocks (shares) through our online auction feature or directly through Peer 2 Peer exchange with any of our members meaning your returns on a highly sought property are worth as much as anyone is willing to pay for it!


Payment is made by Smart Contract or paid directly into your bank account in FIAT cash.


Track your payments and investments through our online platform or mobile app, get alerts via email on your winning bids or sales from our online digital agent


Your Private key gives full control of your assets and payments on the ELAD Network platform.


An Artificial Intelligence agent will provide 24hr support with exceptional customer service, creating a platform that anyone can use at any time, anywhere in the world!


ELAD Network is dedicated to using cutting edge technology to create new possibilities. The way in which we trust, connect and exchange with others has changed for the better.

Our vision is to decentralise transactions commonly used in the real estate industry.

We will make the entire process transparent to give ordinary people a chance to be part of deals that have traditionally been kept behind closed doors.

ICO Details

Ticker: ELAD
Platform: Ethereum
Available for sale: 75,000,000 ETH
ICO Price: 1 ETH = 5,000 ELAD
Accepting: BTC, ETH, LTC
Hard cap: 100,000,000

ELAD Roadmap


For more information please follow the links below:

🔗 WEBSITE: https://www.elad.network/
🔗 WHITEPAPER: https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/elad-public/ELAD+Network+White+Paper.pdf
🔗 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/elad_network
🔗 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/elad.network/
🔗 TELEGRAM: https://t.me/elad_ico
🔗 MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@elad_network
🔗 LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eladnetwork
🔗 INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/elad_network
🔗 GITHUB: https://github.com/ELADnetwork

🔗BTT USERNAME: crypto_lord123
🔗BTT Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2591587
🔗ETH Wallet: 0x2e924A658C52b4cD260C41b004A3E428129e30de



Crypto Mafia
Crypto Mafia

Written by Crypto Mafia

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