How to Win Friends

Fazila Ashraf
1 min readMar 15, 2017


In this age, to have a sincere and nice friend is rare thing. We always try to find best friend but no interested in to be a “best friend”. We keep on searching for best person, but not able to complete to the search of other person.

I have assigned to write about people response when I tried to being interested in them, rather then being interesting. I have seen incredible and some funny results because when I tried to be interested in them, they begin to open in front of me. They told me about their personal issues and matters. Some of them asked me what happened with me today :D, but I covered it up by saying that we have to listen others sometime.

When we begin to listen other, they start to believe in ourselves. As this semester is our final semester, now a days everyone is emotional and exhausted due to final year project, when I asked one of mine friend “how are you” she said “ I’m very bad”, she replied the same answer whenever I asked her. After it I asked her “how is final year project going?’’ She said “ very bad”. She was really tired I think.

After it I approached to my different fellows in hostel also, they begin to tell all day stories. To be interested in others require a lot patience. I showed there and gain their interest. It was very healthy activity also. We get know that situation that we don’t even bother.

