Top 5 Key Strategies for Successful Problem Solving

Fazilat Mubeen
7 min readOct 31, 2023


Mastering Problem Solving Techniques

Problems have no specific shapes, sizes, or magnitude. It can be anything from getting a call from your kid’s school to your angry boss cursing you due to an unexpected obstacle. Problems are part of everyone’s life, whether you are a student facing difficulty in a math problem, an entrepreneur dealing with a complex business issue, or an individual challenged with personal issues. You need effective problem-solving strategies for finding solutions and moving towards your desired or most effective results. This article will help you learn the “Top 5 Key Strategies for Successful Problem Solving” that can assist you in navigating through any situation.

Key # 1 Define the Problem

· Identifying the Problem — You have to have clarity on what actually the problem is. Sometimes it can be challenging, but it is crucial for resolving any issue. If you need to ask any questions, just ask. The more clarity you will have the more precise the result will be in finding the solution.

· Acknowledge and Analyze the Problem — It’s human nature that we try to ignore the problem often even after recognizing it. Acknowledging is a key part and will help you to gain a comprehensive perspective after you analyze the problem. By analyzing you can understand the causes, symptoms, and potential consequences.

· Setting Goals — It helps you achieve the desired result of solving the problem. You can approach systematically, focus on efforts, and measure your progress along the way.


Your team is delivering the projects but at the eleventh hour. Now there can be two approaches. One it’s not a big problem as long as they deliver within the due date, second, it’s an issue that needs to be resolved.

· Identify — You have to identify otherwise you will be in trouble very soon.

· Acknowledge — Yes, there is something wrong projects should be delivered a bit earlier.

· Setting a goal — Help the team resolve the issues in a timely manner.

Key # 2 Collect Information

The foundation for decision-making for solving any problem is gathering information and relevant data. It can be done by following a few steps:

· Research — Consult data and gather information only from reliable sources. Remember, you have to be careful in considering facts and people’s opinions.

· Brainstorm — If it’s your personal issue then try to have a clear vision of what outcome you need, if other people are impacted as well then encourage open and creative discussions with them. Collectively, you can get different perspectives and ideas to resolve the problem.

· Prioritize — Every piece of information will not be valuable; you have to focus on only what is most important and relevant.

• Research — Talk to every team member separately about the issues they might be facing.
• Brainstorm — Ask them to give ideas about possible options to solve the problem.
• Prioritize — Consider the options that have better chances of resolving the issue, whether it is workplace-related, system glitch, or any other.

Key # 3 Generate Solutions

After clearly understanding the root cause of the problem and gathering information, you can generate possible options to solve the problem. Be open-minded to various approaches and make room for trial and error.

· Think Outside the Box — Engaging in brainstorming sessions and letting the ideas flow freely may lead you to a unique and innovative solution. Some problems need traditional solutions; however, some always have room for improvement.

· Evaluation of Potential Solutions — Following a potential solution without evaluating the pros and cons is like jumping into a pool from a height of 10 meters without knowing the depth. It can go both ways; you can get lucky or extremely unlucky. So, consider their feasibility and possible impact.

· Plan A and Plan B — Prioritize the most promising solutions from the potential options based on their effectiveness and feasibility. In case plan A doesn’t work, go for plan B. Having a backup plan enables you to be more adaptable to situations if unexpected obstacles come your way.

If it turns out to be a simple problem, like some data was not provided on time then you have to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
• Think outside the box — If that is not the case, your team is having trouble with some clients then you have to be creative so you don’t lose the client and your team’s morale remains high.
• Evaluation of potential solutions — Discuss with your team the pros and cons of each and every potential option.
• Plan A and Plan B — I would suggest, be prepared with plans A, B, and C according to their possible effectiveness. If one doesn’t work, you don’t have to go through the previous steps.

Key # 4 Implementation and Tracking

You have completed your homework and now you are ready to take action. Follow the steps:

· Systematic Approach — Outline the steps needed to implement the solution. If others are involved with you then you must share responsibilities and together set a timeline for each task.

· Implement — The implementation process needs to be monitored closely along with consistent assessment so you can make adjustments if required.

· Monitor — Be open to altering your plan or moving on to plan B if unexpected challenges arise. You can’t master problem-solving skills if you can’t adapt to change, you have to be more flexible.

• Systematic Approach — If you need to talk to your clients, make a systematic approach so they don’t feel offended. Give this task to those team members who are extroverts and give other tasks to introverts.
• Implementation — Start making changes according to the findings and data collected.
• Monitor — Keep a close eye on whether these changes have improved the project delivery timing or not.

Key # 5 Evaluate and Learn

The final key of the whole process is to evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented solution. Along the way, you will definitely learn some lessons as well. Even though you worked systematically sometimes the problem gets resolved by an unexpected solution. You can figure out what strategy resolved the problem by working backward. It means when you start with the solution and “work backward” to figure out how you got to the solution, you will get your answer.

· Evaluate the Outcome — Compare the results with the goals you initially set. Evaluate whether the solution achieved the desired outcomes or not.

· Reflect on the Experience and Learnt Lessons — Identify what worked well and what didn’t throughout the entire problem-solving process. You will get invaluable insights that will help you to enhance your problem-solving skills for future challenges.

· Adapt to Change — Problem-solving is an evolving skill, and learning from past experiences is essential for continuous improvement. You have to be prepared to refine your approach based on your evaluations.

• Evaluate the Outcome — Your team was able to deliver the projects comfortably with significant time to spare. Congrats! You achieved your goal.
• Reflect on the Experience and Learnt Lessons — You will learn a lot about your team, clients, and the system. This experience will result in lessons that will be an asset if you come across any other issues in the future.
• Adapt to Change — You allowed yourself to be vulnerable to change and it enabled you to master your problem-solving skills.


Successful problem-solving is a versatile skill applicable to various situations in life. By following these five key strategies — defining the problem, gathering information, generating solutions, implementing and monitoring, and evaluating and learning — you can enhance your problem-solving abilities. Remember that effective problem-solving is a process that can be honed over time, and it is a skill that can significantly improve your personal and professional life.



Fazilat Mubeen

My goal is to explore the intersection of creativity and clarity and to create content that informs, engages, and inspires curiosity.