10 mandatory principles for a good design

Felipe Borges
2 min readSep 16, 2020

In 1970, Dierter Rams brought up 10 principles for good design. Although primarily, these concepts have nothing to do with the Design of Digital Interfaces, the work of this genius can help us to rethink our interfaces and products.

  1. Innovative. Be different from what already exists, use new technologies for your product, but before applying them, ask yourself: “How innovative is this? How different from what already is there is it?”
  2. Useful. The product must do what it is designed to do, and need to be quick and straightforward, without major turns to achieve the user’s objective.
  3. Beautiful. The product must be beautiful; the beauty of the product creates affection between the person and the product.
  4. Understanding. The product must be comprehensive, despite the innovative aspect of the product, the user, when at first contact with it, must understand how it works.
  5. Discreet. The design must be discreet, neutral and restrained, to make room for the user’s self-expression.
  6. Honest. You must not make your product look more than it is.
  7. Lasting. Good design does not need to follow fashion tendencies, it needs to be an atemporal design, so that even though fashion changes, the product does not become old-fashioned and obsolete.
  8. Consistent. Nothing should be placed to chance; everything should be thought of and have a reason to be where it is.
  9. Environment. Good design must use materials ecofriendly, or that pollute less as possible.
  10. The Less Design the Better. Be straightforward in what you design, as this is the best way to create something lasting and beautiful.

It is worth remembering that Dieter Rams strongly influenced Apple, with many Apple products being remarkably similar to Rams’ works. Here is an example:



Felipe Borges

Front end developer, scrum master and always seeking innovation centred on the client.