Start Your Day with Gratitude: The Power of Morning Mindset

Freddie Bryant - Coach Fred
6 min readJun 28, 2024


Transform Your Mornings: The Life-Changing Power of Starting Your Day with Gratitude

Photo by Carlo Knell on Unsplash

Do you wake up and start worrying about the day ahead? Are you stressed about the problems you might face or reflecting on difficulties you experienced yesterday? If so, you’re not alone. Many people find themselves trapped in a cycle of anxiety from the moment they open their eyes. This negative mindset can set a tone of stress and apprehension for the entire day, making it hard to focus, enjoy moments, or tackle challenges effectively. But what if there was a simple way to shift this perspective and start your day on a positive note?

The Weight of Worry
Waking up with a mind full of worries can be incredibly draining. The stress about what might go wrong or ruminating on past issues can cloud your thoughts and sap your energy. This negativity not only affects your mental state but also influences your physical well-being. Increased stress levels can lead to higher blood pressure, weakened immune response, and even digestive problems. Clearly, this is not the ideal way to begin your day.

Consider the story of an elderly woman who called into a radio station one early day. She talked to the radio host about how she was having the most challenging day she could imagine. When the radio host asked her what the first thing she said to herself was when she woke up, she responded, “Today is going to be a shitty day.” This simple but negative affirmation set the tone for her entire day, making her more sensitive to problems and less resilient in facing challenges.

The Gratitude Shift
Now, imagine waking up feeling grateful that you’re alive, that you get to live another day, that you can make an impact, and that you can take on important, meaningful challenges. This shift from worry to gratitude can transform your entire outlook. The first few thoughts you have each morning can greatly determine your entire day. By consciously focusing on positive thoughts and things you’re grateful for, you can start your day on a positive, optimistic note.

The Science Behind Gratitude
Gratitude isn’t just a feel-good concept; it’s backed by science. Research has shown that practicing gratitude can increase happiness and reduce depression. Grateful people often experience fewer aches and pains and report feeling healthier than other people. This is because gratitude reduces a multitude of toxic emotions, ranging from envy and resentment to frustration and regret.

A study conducted by Dr. Robert A. Emmons, a leading gratitude researcher, found that those who practiced gratitude consistently reported a host of benefits:

  • Psychological Benefits: Higher levels of positive emotions, more joy and pleasure, and more optimism and happiness.
  • Physical Benefits: Stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure, and better sleep
  • Social Benefits: More helpful, generous, and compassionate behavior, and a feeling of being less lonely and isolated.

A Personal Story of Gratitude

Before leaving my home for a flight to go see my daughter and granddaughter, I received a text from United stating that my connecting flight from DC to Norfolk was going to be delayed. This didn’t bother me because that flight was later in the day. However, before reaching the airport, I got another alert saying that I was rebooked for a completely different flight. Instead of going from LAX to DC, I would be flying from LAX to Houston. When I got to the airport in Sacramento, the United employees couldn’t see my rebooked flights, which took quite some time to figure out, but it eventually got settled. Then my checked baggage became an issue, and the clerks had to write me a manual ticket for my suitcase.

I arrived at LAX and went to my new gate to check on seating arrangements. As boarding started, something told me to check on my bag. The app indicated that my bag was at baggage claim. I went back to the clerk, who said she would put it into the system, but it was too late for them to get it onto this flight. My mind went in many directions, but I eventually focused on how grateful I was that I would get to see my daughter and granddaughter. I boarded the flight with this positive mindset. As I settled into my seat, I checked the app again, and it showed that my bag was loaded onto the flight.

Upon landing in Houston, I got an alert that my flight to Norfolk was going to be delayed more than 45 minutes. I found my gate and checked the app for my bag. There were no issues in Houston besides the delay. When it was finally time for boarding, I patiently waited until everyone else boarded. I asked the flight attendant if there was a seat available with more legroom, and she immediately said yes and told me that it was all mine. Although my traveling day had issues beyond my control, I couldn’t help but think of the grateful mindset I had from the time I woke up that day. I could have lost my cool at any point, but it would have had no benefit to me.

Implementing a Morning Gratitude Routine
So how can you implement a morning gratitude routine to reap these benefits? It’s simpler than you might think:

  1. Set Aside Time: Dedicate a few minutes each morning to focus on gratitude. This could be right after you wake up, during breakfast, or while you’re getting ready for the day.
  2. Reflect on Positive Aspects: Think about three things you are grateful for. They don’t have to be big or life-changing; even small things like the warmth of your bed, the taste of your morning coffee, or the sound of birds outside your window can make a difference.
  3. Write It Down: Keep a gratitude journal. Writing down what you’re thankful for can make the feelings more concrete and lasting. Plus, it’s a great way to look back and remind yourself of all the positive things in your life during tough times.
  4. Express Gratitude: Take a moment to express gratitude to someone else. A quick message, a note, or a few kind words can enhance your feelings of gratitude and strengthen your relationships.

The Ripple Effect of Positivity
Starting your day with gratitude not only improves your own well-being but also creates a ripple effect of positivity around you. When you begin your day with a positive mindset, you’re more likely to interact with others in a positive way, spreading kindness and optimism. This can lead to stronger personal and professional relationships and a more supportive and collaborative environment.

Changing the way you start your day can change your entire life. By consciously focusing on gratitude each morning, you can shift from a mindset of worry and stress to one of positivity and optimism. This simple practice can lead to profound improvements in your mental, physical, and social well-being. So tomorrow, when you wake up, try to think about what you’re grateful for. It might just be the most important thing you do all day.

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Freddie Bryant - Coach Fred

Master Life Coach, Dean of Students, Athletic Administrator, Writer, Director of Basketball Operations-Super Meteors Academy