AVIF is the Future of Web Images

Ferid Brković
5 min readMar 7, 2024


The search for the perfect image format is driven by the need for high-quality visuals that load quickly and consume less bandwidth. AVIF (AV1 Image File Format), a game-changer in the world of image formats. Developed as part of the Alliance for Open Media, AVIF promises to redefine our experience with online visuals by offering superior compression without sacrificing quality. Let’s dive into the world of AVIF, exploring its benefits, how it compares to existing formats, and why it might be the future standard for web images.

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

What is AVIF?

AVIF is an image format that leverages the AV1 video codec for image compression. It’s designed to significantly reduce file sizes while maintaining or even improving image quality compared to older formats like JPEG, PNG, and even WebP. AVIF supports a wide range of features, including high dynamic range (HDR), wide color gamut (WCG), and 8K resolution, making it incredibly versatile for all types of web content.

The Advantages of AVIF

Breakthrough Compression

AVIF’s ability to compress images without compromising their quality is nothing short of revolutionary. Imagine reducing the file size of an image by up to 50% compared to JPEG, without losing the vibrant details that capture the viewer’s eye. This leap in compression technology means quicker loading times for websites, an essential factor in our fast-paced digital world where every second counts.

A Canvas of Richer Colors and Details

AVIF doesn’t just shrink file sizes — it enhances the visual experience. With support for High Dynamic Range (HDR) and Wide Color Gamut (WCG), images are no longer just pictures — they are vivid, deep, and dynamically rich scenes. This capability ensures that the sunset in your photo looks as mesmerizing as it did in real life, with every color gradient and light nuance preserved.

The Jack-of-All-Trades Format

Beyond its impressive compression and quality, AVIF is remarkably versatile. It adeptly handles transparency, making it a potent successor to PNG for images requiring no background. Moreover, AVIF introduces the ability to animate images, offering a modern, efficient alternative to the GIF format. This versatility makes AVIF a one-stop image format for a multitude of web and application development needs.

Enhancing Web Performance and SEO

The benefits of AVIF extend beyond the visual, impacting website performance and SEO. Faster loading times not only improve user experience but also contribute to higher SEO rankings. In the competitive landscape of the web, where every millisecond and every SEO point counts, adopting AVIF could be a strategic advantage.

Comparing AVIF with Other Image Formats

When compared to JPEG, PNG, and WebP, AVIF stands out in both compression efficiency and image quality. JPEG, while widely used, often results in larger file sizes and lacks support for transparency. PNG offers transparency but at the cost of significantly larger file sizes. WebP, introduced as a modern alternative to JPEG and PNG, provides improved compression and quality but still falls short of AVIF’s performance, especially in terms of HDR support and color range.

The Challenge of Adoption

Despite its many advantages, AVIF’s adoption faces challenges. One primary hurdle is browser and device compatibility. While major browsers like Chrome and Firefox support AVIF, not all do, and some users may need to update their software to view AVIF images properly. Additionally, creating and editing AVIF images requires specific tools and knowledge, posing a learning curve for designers and developers.

AVIF in Practice: A Step-by-Step Guide

Embracing AVIF means getting hands-on with the format. Here’s a simplified guide to start incorporating AVIF into your projects:

  1. Checking Browser Support: Ensure the browsers you target support AVIF. This landscape is rapidly changing, so staying updated is crucial.
  2. Creating AVIF Images: Utilize image editing software or conversion tools that support AVIF. This step is where the journey begins, translating your visual assets into the format of the future.
  3. Optimizing for Performance: Experiment with compression levels to find the sweet spot between file size and image quality, tailored to your specific needs.
  4. Fallback Strategies: Implement fallback mechanisms to serve alternative formats (like WebP or JPEG) where AVIF is not supported, ensuring no user is left behind.

The Science Behind AVIF’s Efficiency

Compression Technology

At the heart of AVIF’s prowess is its use of the AV1 codec, which employs a combination of advanced compression techniques. These include the use of both intra-frame and inter-frame compression, predictive coding, and a more sophisticated entropy coding system. Intra-frame compression analyzes the image to find areas of redundancy within a single frame, effectively reducing the amount of data needed to represent an image. Inter-frame compression, while more commonly associated with video codecs, can be utilized in AVIF for sequences of images (like animations), where only the differences between frames are stored.

Color and Dynamic Range

One of the standout features of AVIF is its support for High Dynamic Range (HDR) and Wide Color Gamut (WCG). This is made possible by AVIF’s ability to store additional metadata and use a wider range of color representations. Unlike older formats, which are typically confined to the sRGB color space, AVIF can utilize the BT.2020 color space, offering a much broader spectrum of colors and more detailed color gradations. This makes AVIF ideal for displaying more lifelike and vibrant images, capturing nuances that were previously difficult to represent digitally.

Efficiency and Quality Trade-offs

The efficiency of AVIF comes from its ability to significantly reduce file sizes while maintaining high image quality. This is achieved through a combination of lossy and lossless compression techniques. Lossy compression reduces file size by permanently eliminating some data deemed less important for the human eye, while lossless compression ensures no data is lost, preserving the original image quality. AVIF allows for adjustable compression levels, giving creators and developers the flexibility to find the perfect balance between file size and visual fidelity.

Technical Challenges and Solutions

Implementing AVIF does come with its challenges, primarily due to its computational complexity. Encoding images in AVIF can be more resource-intensive than older formats, potentially leading to longer processing times. However, ongoing optimizations in AV1 encoders and increased computational power of modern hardware are steadily mitigating these issues. Additionally, the growing support for AVIF across major software and hardware platforms is making it easier for developers and designers to adopt this format.

The Future of AVIF

As more browsers and devices begin to support AVIF and as the tools for working with it become more user-friendly, its adoption is expected to grow. Its advantages in compression, quality, and versatility make it a strong candidate for becoming the new standard for web images. With ongoing improvements and increasing support, AVIF is poised to lead the charge towards faster, more beautiful web experiences.

Wrapping Up

AVIF represents a significant leap forward in image compression technology. Its ability to deliver high-quality images at a fraction of the size of traditional formats could revolutionize how we publish and interact with images online. While it may take time for widespread adoption, the benefits of AVIF are clear, making it an exciting development for web designers, developers, and users alike. As we move towards a more visually driven internet, AVIF stands out as a beacon of efficiency and quality, signaling a bright future for web imagery.



Ferid Brković

Software Engineer passionate about constantly exploring the evolving tech landscape. Always learning, always growing.