Hey Google, put these features on Local Guides

Felipe Câmara
2 min readJun 14, 2017


Google just launched some new features on the Local Guides program.
New levels, new ways to earn points, etc. But there are a few things more that could improve the Local Guides app. Here are some thoughts on what Google could do to make the experience better:

Let me follow my friends (and other people)

In the Local Guides website, the description says "Help others find the best spots in town, make new friends". But how can I make new friends if I can't interact with anyone on the app? You can only check someones profile by clicking in their picture and seeing their reviews. There's no other way to interact with anyone besides that. Make something that would allow me to find my friends (e-mail, contact or whatever) and follow their recommendations and reviews.

Half Stars to 5 Stars

1 star to 5 stars? How about half star? Some places are not good enough to earn a 3 and are not bad enough to earn a 2. They're exactly in between. 2.5 stars would be a goodscore for those places. Not that good, and not all that bad.

Multiple Uploads

Let us upload multiple photos, not one by one.

Fix the upload problem

Also, a lot of times the upload shows a message saying that something wrong happened, and when you try to upload again, surprise! It was already uploaded, causing a lot of photos to be posted a bunch of times.

Response Notifications

Now and then, someone replies to the review we made. But the only way to know that is going back to the review you made and checking. So, how about a notifications tab or an e-mail to let us know about it?

Do you have any idea for a Local Guides feature or ways to improve the app? Write on the comments and let's hope someone at Google read this. Hope it doesn’t take long to Google make a new update on the Local Guides.

