No-Code vs. Code: Solutions to Send Bulk WhatsApp Messages from Google Sheets

6 min readMay 19, 2024


dalle-2 °¿°

In the digital age, efficient communication is key, and WhatsApp has become a vital tool for both personal and business interactions. Sending bulk WhatsApp messages directly from Google Sheets can save time and streamline your workflow. In this post, we will compare two distinct methods: a code-laborious solution using Twilio with JavaScript/Node.js and a no-code alternative using with Make. Whether you’re a developer looking for customization or someone seeking simplicity, we’ve got you covered.

Setting up this solution is a bit of a journey. First, you need to wrestle with the Google Sheets API (googleapis), which is a task in itself. Just reading data from Google Sheets feels like an epic quest, really. This shouldn't be so hard. Then, you move on to the Twilio integration, following their detailed guide (Twilio Blog). By the time you’re done, you’ll feel like you’ve run a marathon. Coding enthusiasts, this one’s for you!

Solution with Make

For those who prefer simplicity and efficiency, the combination of and Make offers a no-code solution for sending bulk WhatsApp messages from Google Sheets. This method is perfect for anyone looking to automate their messaging without diving into code.

To get started with, follow these simple steps:

1. Visit the Website: Go to
2. Prepare Your Phone: Grab your cellphone and open WhatsApp.
3. Initiate Setup: Click the “GET STARTED” button on the site.
4. Scan the QR Code:
— Click on the “Scan this QR Code” button.
— Use WhatsApp to scan the QR code, very similar to pairing with WhatsApp Web.

The process is quick and straightforward, making it easy to set up.

You should have the screen looking something like this now — after successful qr Code pairing.

Notice the URL;….
now is (changed)

Well, leave it there but we'll use it pretty soon.

Google Sheets Setup

Creating the Google Sheet is simple and requires just three columns:

  1. Number: The recipient’s phone number.
  2. Message: The content of the message you want to send.
  3. Fire: A trigger column to indicate when to send the message — useful.

Populate them...should look something like this;

Next, you need to install the Make add-on for Google Sheets. Here’s how:

  1. Install Make Add-On: Click on Extensions -> Add-ons -> get add-ons
  2. Search Google Workspace Marketplace forMake
  3. Add to Google Sheets: Click “Install” and follow the prompts to add Make to your Google Sheets.
  4. Authorize Access: Grant the necessary permissions for Make to access your Google Sheets.
Make for Google Sheets — by Make

Setting Up Make

To automate your WhatsApp messages using Make, follow these steps:

  1. Create an Account: If you don’t have a Make account, sign up.
    2. Create a New Scenario:
    — Click “Create a new scenario.”
    — Select “Google Sheets” as your first module.
    3. Watch for Changes:
    — Choose the “Watch Changes” option to monitor updates in your Google Sheet.
    4. Create a Webhook:
    — Add a webhook module to your scenario.
    — Follow the prompts to create and configure the webhook that will trigger when changes are detected in your Google Sheet.
    — Screen should be something like this -> click on copy address to clipboard.

Integrating Make with Google Sheets

After setting up the scenario and creating the webhook in Make, you need to link it to your Google Sheet. Follow these steps:

1. Copy the Webhook URL: Previous step.
2. Open Google Sheets:
— Go to your Google Sheet.
— Click on `Extensions` in the top menu.
— Select `Make for Google Sheets` and then click `Settings`.
3. Paste the Webhook URL:
— In the Make settings, paste the webhook URL into the designated field at the top right.
— Optionally, fill in the “Sheet” field if needed — usually Sheet1

This will connect your Google Sheet to the Make scenario, enabling Make to be notified on each spreadsheet update.

google sheets after setting Make webhook url — and Sheet (optional)

Now, go back to the Scenario builder on Make and click add another Module

add another module on Make

Now, select Http (built in) -> Make a Request — we'll setup the request with the URL provided by that we've got from earlier steps.

The URL is found on — previous steps

After setup request basics like URL, method type (POST), a Content-Type header (application/json value), body type Raw, Content-Type Json -> let's setup the jSon -> hardest part.

Since our spreadsheet was setup in a way that numbers are on first column (A), messages on second (B). Third one will be used soon.

request content json — pay attention to the details °¿° — maybe the most important part

Now, click OK, and back on Scenario Builder, click the tool between modules

click the tool between them

Now, setup the filter like the image bellow

filter setup

Basically we'll use the third column, Fire, as a trigger to send whatsaApp messages when we want — we just type ready on this column and the magic happens (when fully setup — soon)

  1. Label: any name.
  2. Condition: use third column (C).
  3. Text operators: Equal to: type ready (or any word you wan't to use as keyword trigger on your google sheets)

Now click on Save (bottom) and turn the Scenario ON.

remember to turn on the scenario

And, that's all there is to it. If everything was setup correctly, just by changing the third column to ready should fire the whatsApp message almost instantaneously. Check the API response for clues if nothing happens. Use Make history to check deliverance.

Make history
Response code 200 for success


In this comparison, we’ve explored two distinct solutions for sending WhatsApp messages from Google Sheets.

Twilio with JavaScript/Node.js
- This method offers full control and high customization for developers. However, it requires significant coding knowledge and involves a laborious setup process, including handling the Google Sheets API and integrating with Twilio’s API. The detailed guide provided by Twilio and the googleapis package can help, but it’s not for the faint of heart. with Make
- In contrast, provides a no-code solution that is much simpler and quicker to set up. By scanning a QR code and using an intuitive interface that doesn't even require creating an account, users can easily integrate Google Sheets with WhatsApp via Make. This approach requires no coding, making it accessible to non-developers and those who prefer an easy, hassle-free setup.

Ultimately, the choice depends on your needs and technical expertise. If you enjoy coding and need a highly customizable solution, Twilio with JavaScript/Node.js is a solid choice. For those seeking simplicity and efficiency, with Make is the way to go.

When in doubt, check this video!

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#WhatsApp #GoogleSheets #Automation #NoCode #JavaScript #Twilio #waatMessenger #Make #Productivity #TechComparison #bulk #BulkMessage #bulkwhatsapp

Hope you enjoyed!

