Cryptocurrency Nano and the market.

Fc Deluxe
3 min readJan 15, 2019


Where is the cryptocurrency market going?

In a rather dark grey area where thoughts are very far apart, often opposites. On one hand there are those who see the end of everything, on the other those who talk about ETFs, new Futures, new institutional investors at the base of the next market race.

Who’s right? Partly both or better maybe none.

We are used to the Bitcoin bubbles and the last one was much bigger than the previous one where some new investors curiously injected a small part of their liquidity into the market and then withdrew from it — maybe because they didn’t believe in the project and new technologies evolving. The market is growing, cryptocurrencies increase exponentially and the different blockchains at the end of 2017 were seen by some as a solution to the problems of humanity, but it was clear that the ecosystem “as is” was not ready yet for adoption: it was yet again another bubble.

Back then many felt the scent of money, easy money and dreamed of becoming rich without any effort. Few have succeeded in these years, the most are the visionary — the believers. For many others this market has only shown a winning lottery ticket (December 2017 won all), but the market can give but often takes away and traps you. Many today are trapped.

This market is struggling to find a cure for a year of crisis and decline (many projects have lost more than 90–95%) and perhaps somebody’s hope is that there is no cure for it other than keeping the good and healthy currencies to become the new basis for the reconstruction of a new market — a new real economy.

Many projects are now extinct, other ones are today more like empty boxes. But cryptocurrencies like Nano, despite the year of decline, have seen the growth of extraordinary communities that have helped to significantly improve the protocol and the entire ecosystem.

From the ashes of this crisis will arise a new market subject to user regulation, a necessary step, in which the United States, Europe and other countries will regulate the ecosystem, probably prohibiting the use of anonymous cryptocurrencies and making the survival of many exchanges difficult.

One day, starting from the best technologies, Nano and a handful of other cryptocurrencies will emerge again, not thanks to some miraculous financial instruments or acrobatic collaborations, but thanks to the common people. It has been distributed from the bottom and from the people will continue the spread of Nano, a global cryptocurrency without fees, very fast, decentralized, scalable, sustainable and envied by many in terms of energy consumption (the whole network can be powered by a single wind turbine: Subsequently, other economic factors will line up making this project even bigger.

Today each of us has the privilege and responsibility to participate and contribute with his ability to improve the ecosystem. Investing our talent in the best projects with a spirit addressed to the community and those working with financial products need to be aware that it is working with the life of the people and the future of many families.

In 2009 Satoshi with Bitcoin opened the doors to a group of visionary precursors and over the years the crowd of visionaries has increased and expanded to other projects, not only from one origin but from many scattered around the globe. We have to look at cryptocurrency, its technology and how to help improve the lives of many people and Nano will help many people in need in many countries of the world to preserve their spending power.

From the American crisis of 2007–2008 we have entered a new economic cycle and the socio-technological revolution introduced by Satoshi should not scare, on the contrary: the resulting change will be phenomenal and epochal.

