Hawthorne Plaza: Popularity of Urban Decay

by Lili Do, Steven Ebalobor, Karl Orotea, Lexi Viernes

Current Status | Karl Orotea

View of the vast empty space on the second floor.
A view from the bridge that connects the parking garage and mall.
Various skylights are boarded up around the mall.
Scattered around the mall are trashed spray cans and other clutter.
View of the center of the mall from the first floor.
Climbing up the escalators.
Steven and Karl on top of the escalators.
Facing the north end of the mall.
Remnants of a graffitied bench area.
Stairs that lead up to the second floor at the north end of the mall.
Steven using a lamp to explore the darkened areas of Hawthorne Plaza.
Lili & Lexi under a doorway.
Lili taking photos of the graffiti “tagged” around the mall.
Analyzing a tax form for one of the businesses of the mall on the north-end stairs.
Steven skating around the mall.
Steven throws a kick flip near one of the malls floor designs.
Inspirational quotes left on pillars.
Lili, Lexi, and Steven congregating at the center of the mall.

History | Lexi Viernes

Timeline of Hawthorne Plaza History
Hawthorne Mall in November 1977 in preparation for it’s first Christmas. (Source: Daily Breeze News)
A destroyed tricycle.
Property Taxes of Womans World 10 years before it closed. Paper found during exploration of Hawthorne.
The aging facade of one of the three original department stores: The Broadway.
Inside Hawthorne Plaza Mall. Photo by Lexi Viernes

Community | Steven Ebalobor

At the busy intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard and West El Segundo Boulevard stands a two-ton replica of the Falcon Heavy, coined the world’s most powerful rocket. Below it is a sign that reads “Hawthorne: The Cradle of Aerospace”. The replica pays homage to SpaceX, Hawthorne’s most

The replica of the Falcon Heavy. Photo by Steven Ebalobor
The stores adjacent to the old Hawthorne Plaza. Photo by Steven Ebalobor

Popularity and Use of Space

Scene inside the mall from MTV’s Teen Wolf. (Source: galleryhip.com)
Mimicking Teen Wolf scene.
An improvised ‘freeway’ scene from The Green Hornet taken on top of the plaza’s parking structure. (Source: seeing-stars.com)
Inside Hawthorne Plaza taken from Minority Report — filmmakers temporarily made the stores come back to life with props and staging. (Source: seeing-stars.com)
Behind the scenes photos from movie sets were found throughout the mall.
Printed photos of movie stills scattered on the floor.

What’s Next | Lili Do

Currently, the state of the plaza is run down and its only occupants include rodents, birds, and local taggers. In recent years after the mall’s closure, the abandoned plaza has become a popular attraction for photographers, adventure seekers, and several filmmakers. However, the incoming foot traffic will most likely come to a halt in the near future as plans for the mall’s renovations begin to take place.

Graffiti and tagging on the walls on the south end of Hawthorne Plaza. Photo by Lili Do
Current state of the mall: the framework of the building, rubble from walls, molding poles, and rusting escalators are all that is left behind. Photo by Lili Do

