How to deploy a Flask application using NGINX on AWS ECS — Part 2

Filipe Galo
7 min readDec 8, 2022


In the previous part, we built our images successfully. Now you’re ready to move on to the next level — pushing the images to AWS ECR and creating our AWS Architecture.


  1. Create and publish our images on AWS ECR
  2. Configure AWS CLI
  3. Push images to AWS ECR
  4. Create VPC and Subnets
  5. Create Internet Gateway
  6. Create NAT Gateway
  7. Create Route Tables and configure subnet associations
  8. Configure Routes
  9. Create an Application Load Balancer

1. Create and Publish our images on AWS ECR

Sign in to your AWS Management Console and navigate the ECR service page.

Create two repositories in ECR by clicking the “Create repository” button and providing a name for the repository. In this case, it will be nginx and project.

AWS ECR Creation page
AWS ECR Creation page

2. Configure AWS CLI

Install the AWS CLI on your local machine if you haven’t done it already. You can do this by following the instructions in the AWS documentation:

Configure the AWS CLI by running aws configure and providing your AWS access key ID and secret access key.

Use the aws ecr get-login command to obtain an authentication token for pushing images to your ECR repository.

Run the authentication token command that was returned by the aws ecr get-login command to authenticate your local Docker client with your ECR repository.

3. Push images to AWS ECR

If you run the command docker image ls you should see our built images:

nginx latest 52193a0b99b7 2 hours ago 135MB
project latest 7eb7314e8e5e 2 hours ago 142MB

Open your AWS ECR service page again and get the URI for each repository created:

AWS ECR page where all the repositories are being displayed

Now, back to the terminal, run the following commands replacing the URI that corresponds to each image:

docker tag nginx:latest
docker tag project:latest

docker push
docker push

If you open the repositories on the AWS ECR service page, you should see the image tag inside:

Image tag inside AWS repository

4. Create VPC and Subnets

Navigate to the VPC page in AWS Management Console and click on Create VPC, and name it project-vpc with the following IPv4 CIDR block:

Create VPC page

Now, on the VPC page, click on Subnets and then click on Create subnet.

Create one public subnet and one private subnet in the same availability zone (eu-central-1a) and one public subnet and one private in the same availability zone (eu-central-1b) with different IPv4 CIDR blocks as displayed below and then click on Create subnet.

Create Subnets page
Create Subnets page

5. Create an Internet Gateway

Navigate to the VPC page in AWS Management Console, go to Internet Gateways, and click Create Internet Gateway. Name it project-igw.

Create Internet Gateway page

Then, attach the Internet Gateway to our VPC:

Create Internet Gateway page
Attach Internet Gateway to VPC page

6. Create NAT Gateway

Navigate to the VPC page in AWS Management Console, go to NAT gateways, and click on Create NAT gateway.

The NAT Gateway should be named project-nat-gw-1 and project-nat-gw-2 and be in the respective public subnet as displayed below:

NAT Gateway creation page
NAT Gateway creation page

Click on Allocate Elastic IP and finalize by clicking on Create NAT gateway for each NAT Gateway.

7. Create Route Tables and configure subnet associations

Navigate to the VPC page in AWS Management Console, go to Route tables, and click Create Route table.

You should create three route tables named: project-public-rt and project-private-rt-a, and project-private-rt-b.

Create Route Table page
Create Route Table page
Create Route Table page

Now, you should associate each route table created with the specific subnet.

In the route tables page, click on project-public-rt, then open Subnet associations and click on Edit subnet associations.

Route Table page

You should now select the public subnets and click on Save associations:

Subnet Associations Page

Repeat the process for the route table project-private-rt-a and associate the project-subnet-private-a.

Do the same for project-private-rt-b and associate the project-subnet-private-b.

Subnet Associations Page

8. Configure Routes

Still in the project-public-rt, in the Routes tab, click on Edit routes:

Route Table page

Let’s add a new route now. Enter as the destination, and select the Internet Gateway as the target (which we created in step 5).

Edit Route page

For project-private-rt-a, create a new route and enter as the destination, and then, select project-nat-gw-1 as the target (from the NAT Gateway we created in step 6).

Edit Route page

Repeat the process for project-private-rt-b and select project-nat-gw-2.

9. Create Application Load Balancer

Navigate to the EC2 page in AWS Management Console, go to Load Balancers, and click Create load balancer.

Select the Application Load Balancer as your Load Balancer Type and name it project-alb. The scheme should be Internet Facing, and the load balancer should be in the VPC we created with the mapping for our public subnet named project-subnet-public.

Load Balancer creation page

On the Security Groups stage, click on Create new security group:

Name it project-alb-sg. Make sure you select the project-vpc as VPC.

In the Inbound rules, you should add one HTTP type of rule with the source Anywhere-IPv4. This basically will allow all HTTP traffic from the internet to your Load Balancer.

Click on Create Security Group.

Create Security Group page

Go back to the Load Balancer creation page and click on the refresh button on the Security Groups stage and click on the Security Group you just created.

Security Group stage on Load Balancer creation page

On the Listeners and routing stage, click on Create target group:

Listeners and Routing on Load Balancer creation page

Choose IP addresses as target type, name the target group project-alb-tg and click Next. On the next page, click on Create target group:

Target Group creation page

Go back to the Load Balancer creation page. On the Listeners and routing stage, click on the refresh button. Then, click on the Target Group you just created.

Listeners and Routing on Load Balancer creation page

In the Summary section, you should have something like the image below shows.

Summary section Load Balancer creation page

To finalize click on Create load balancer.

You’re almost done!

In Part 3, we will create our ECS Cluster and finally deploy our application.

Stay tuned!

You can find this code also on my GitHub:

And if you enjoy my content or if you have any questions, feel free to connect with me on Twitter:



Filipe Galo

DevOps Engineer with a passion for learning and trying out new technologies.