Francis Crescia
3 min readMay 2, 2024

Is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau A Wacko?

Source: CTV

The House of Commons made history when the leader of the Conservative party, Pierre Poilievre, got into a verbal jousting match with PM Trudeau and was kicked out of question period by House Speaker Greg Fergus for calling the PM a “wacko.”

What happened?

The Conservative leader questioned Trudeau’s support of British Columbia’s policy of decriminalizing hard drugs in an attempt to reduce overdose deaths. The policy has failed and the NDP-led B.C. government is asking the Trudeau Liberals to re-criminalize drugs. We must remember that it was the Trudeau government that first decided to de-criminalize meth, cocaine, and heroin.

Trudeau avoided answering Poilievre’s questions relating to the B.C drug epidemic where thousands have died and responded with accusations of Poilievre being in cahoots with white nationalists. Things got out of hand when Poilievre said Trudeau spent half his adult life as a “practicing racist.” Trudeau responded by calling Poilievre “shameful and spineless.” In turn, Poilievre referred to allowing B.C. drug decriminalization as “this wacko policy by the wacko prime minister.”

The Speaker Greg Fergus, who is a liberal, stepped in and asked Poilievre to withdraw the unparliamentary term. Poilievre stood up and said he’d replace the term with “extremist.” Fergus, who always seems confused under pressure, rushed to judgment and kicked out the Conservative leader.

What does it all mean?

Strategically Trudeau won the fight as his party is 20 points behind the Conservatives and desperate to get a rise in the polls. He successfully baited Poilievre to get into the swamp and sling mud. By baiting Polivere on white nationalism, Trudeau is implementing his party’s campaign strategy of painting the Conservatives as Republicans and Poilivere as a lite version of Trump.

Poilievre should let sleeping dogs lie and not fight Trudeau in the swamp. Once he enters the swamp he is helping the Liberals change the narrative from how broken the country is to building a narrative around the idea that there is no better alternative than the Trudeau Liberals. The latter “no better alternative” narrative will soon be repeated by the nation’s heavily government-subsidized media industry that needs the Liberals to win for its survival. For the Conservatives to win the next election they need to remain disciplined and hammer away at the Liberal government’s failed policies, endless scandals, and incompetence.

As for Speaker Greg Fergus, he should resign. Last December Fergus appeared in his Speaker’s robe in a video sent out to then Ontario Liberal leader John Fraser. He has had to apologize for his Liberal bias, tosses Conservatives out of question period but rarely if ever chastises the PM. Former NDP leader Thomas Mulcair stated, that Fergus was “manifestly partisan,” and “he has failed” referring to tossing out Poilievre. The Speaker defines what is acceptable and unacceptable speech and just like the Liberals likes to micro-manage and re-invent language to suit his political end game.

Let’s face it legalizing hard drugs where addicts can shoot up anywhere, hard-core criminals getting bail within hours after being arrested, and allowing serial killers to go from maximum to medium security are all examples of wacko policies. As for Trudeau being described as a wacko one need not look past his record.

Francis Crescia

Business manager, ex photojournalist, and political science major writing about politics and economics. Published writer.