5min 400$ using Google Dork

Haris Muthusamy
2 min readSep 25, 2021


Hey hunters! This writeup is my first writeup I’ll share with you how I get 400$ in 5min using google dorks. So, Let’s get start. This my first writeup so kindly excuse my typos & brevity.

Let’s Start

All of know that google dorking is more important for Hacking. I was seaching for a private program using dorking : index of / site: /etc/certs + “index of /” */* site:example.com ( I am not suppose to revele the program name )

After using this key work I have found so many websites with the dierctory /etc/certs. I have started to check each and every url but



all the website folders created was outdated . LOL

Then how I found a vulnerablity ???

Lets see

I didnt loose hope I was still checking its almost 4 min over there is only 60 seconds more

yaaaaaa! I found a website with current updated folders with that folder I can able to find the directort traversal bug and reported immediatly

Kindly do follow up for more updates





Haris M

