iOS for the Android developer [0.002]

Akapo Damilola
2 min readDec 21, 2016



After releasing ver 0.001 of this, I got a few suggestions on what to cover next. So I’ll do a quick info pruning.

  • I will not be teaching you swift, the language. You can write Java, you’d be fine :). Feel free to ask me questions though.
  • I’ll be doing a one to one or one to many mapping of controls and widgets for iOS and Android.
  • I’ll be putting resources on how to use said widgets.

So, for this article I’ll pick the UIViewController [View, Swift file], UITextField, UILabel/UITextView, UITableView, UIButton, UISwitch and UIPickerview.

Here’s a one to one mapping of simple iOS widgets to corresponding Android widgets.

A quick video showing what the widgets look like

On demystifying XCode, I found a web resource that breaks it down was much more better than I had in mind, url below.

Note: While you can easily switch between the display mode and text editing mode for your layouts on Android. iOS doesn’t allow such freedom. You either drag and drop or programmatically create your views.

I’ll get more detailed as I write more articles.

P.S: This article was written in a rush, sort of. ✌🏾 I figured I should mention one other important thing. “Cocoapods”…. Basically, is a tool for managing libraries and dependencies in your project. Think adding dependencies to your app.gradle file. Check out on how to setup and use. There are a lot of libraries for Swift and Obj-C projects. A few are listed below.

  • Alamofire — For network calls.
  • SwiftyJson — For serializing and deserializing json [I use EVReflection]
  • SDWebImage — Picasso? Glide?
  • MBProgressHUD — For displaying customized progress dialogs

