FDU Silberman says goodbye to long-time professor of management Tiffany Hansbrough


Fairleigh Dickinson University Silberman College of Business marketing intern Abigail McDonald

Dr. Tiffany Hansbrough

As Dr. Tiffany Hansbrough’s time as Professor and Research Director for the Silberman College of Business at Fairleigh Dickinson University comes to a close, we would like to thank her for her great accomplishments and contributions to our students and to the University over the last 11 years.


She designed and taught a variety of MBA and undergraduate courses at the Florham Park campus in Organizational Behavior and Leadership Development. Dr. Hansbrough is a dedicated and top researcher in the area of Leadership and is a researcher on several large grants. Her research has appeared in Leadership Quarterly, Human Relations, Organizational Research Methods, and the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, among many other journals. Dr. Hansbrough was more recently the recipient of the 2022 Bright Idea Award for her article, “Do You Remember? Rater Memory Systems and Leadership Measurement”. In 2022, as the PI (Principal Investigator), she procured the largest grant in FDU history at over one million dollars, from the U.S Army Research Institute for Behavioral and Social Science. She will lead five studies focusing on creating better alignment between what we think leadership ratings are measuring versus what is happening in people’s brains as they complete ratings.

In her role as Research Director for Silberman, she led workshops to encourage and stimulate research productivity among the faculty, created databases of the college’s faculty research and managed the installation of display cases on both the Madison and Teaneck campuses which recognizes and highlights the Silberman faculty’s recent prestigious journal publications. In the Fall, Dr. Hansbrough will be on the faculty at SUNY-Binghamton’s School of Management. She is excited to be going to an R1 (top research) institution, working with future professors of management in their doctoral program.

We wish Dr. Tiffany Hansbrough great success in her future endeavors. We will miss you!



Silberman College of Business, FDU

Silberman College of Business is one of the nation’s top-ranked business schools offering undergraduate, graduate, and 4 plus 1 degree programs.