Learning the Importance of Ethics in Business Practice


written by the FDU Silberman Department of Management and Entrepreneurship

Mr. Isidro Amador presenting to ORG 1100 students

Students in Dr. Ian Mercer’s spring 2023 Ethical Issues in Social Institutions class (ORGS 1100) had the opportunity to interact with a senior decision maker of a Fortune 500 firm. Mr. Isidro Amador, the Global A&D Project Leader for Johnson & Johnson, responsible for developing and executing J&J’s global acquisitions, attended the class to discuss the importance of ethics in business practice.

“I think it is important for students to see and hear from business leaders about how ethics is implemented in an organizational setting. Often our freshman students have limited exposure to global companies. It is vital that we demonstrate the relevance of the material we teach here at Silberman so as to equip and prepare students for when they graduate and move into the organizational environment.”

Dr. Mercer is a keen advocate for the impact of exposure and discussion of ethical issues on understanding and learning.

“We discuss in class about the need to act with authenticity and integrity in our professional and personal life. Often that involves making tough decisions that have very far-reaching consequences. To have someone of Isidro’s caliber come in and spend time explaining the personal and societal benefits of doing the right thing, even when it is hard, is an invaluable lesson for our students to learn. We are fortunate to have individuals in our community who are willing to invest their time and energy into our next generation of leaders, and fortunate to have a student body who are motivated to learn and listen to the advice that our business leaders can impart.”

Dr. Mercer is working to cultivate a relationship with other external organizations to ensure that Silberman students have the opportunity to interact with senior global business leaders and broaden their knowledge and professional network.

“As educators, we hold privileged positions in that we can offer and create real societal value in how we teach and shape the future generation. I sincerely believe in doing what we can to stress the importance of ethical actions. Guest speakers are a great bridge between what we do in the classroom and what happens inside organizations.”



Silberman College of Business, FDU

Silberman College of Business is one of the nation’s top-ranked business schools offering undergraduate, graduate, and 4 plus 1 degree programs.