Student Managed Investment Fund: The Start of Something Special


Finance Student Louis Mignone

The Student Managed Investment Fund of Silberman College of Business is an organization of students who will manage a substantially funded portfolio starting in Spring 2022. The money will be provided through Dean Pierre Balthazard’s work with Silberman College of Business. “The Fund” will offer students a unique opportunity to apply classroom theory in a real-world setting, as they collaborate to make research-driven financial decisions.

SMIF Meeting in Florham Campus’ Bloomberg Lab

The structure of the organization deviates from that of most traditionally-run clubs. Rather than appointing a conventional E-board (President, Treasurer, etc.), the Student Leadership Body mimics itself after that of a hedge fund. Five students will make up a Student Leadership Body and assume various responsibilities including recordkeeping, portfolio analysis, research, logistics, and communications.

Faculty advisors, Professor Ken Betz, Professor Hongyan Li, and Professor James Bulsiewicz will aid in the day-to-day functionality of the organization, while also facilitating a relationship between the students and the “Oversight Committee”. The Oversight Committee will be a team of specialists appointed by Dean Balthazard, who will monitor the Investment Fund. General members of the organization will be encouraged to develop research-driven presentations that will then be voted upon by the Student Leadership Board.

This is an exciting opportunity to develop holistic investment skills through experiential learning. Fairleigh Dickinson University will join the 200 institutions in the nation to establish a Student Managed Investment Fund. The Fund will compete with other institutions, using portfolio growth to gauge success.

My name is Louis Mignone and I am a freshman Finance major at Fairleigh Dickinson University. I wholeheartedly believe that my participation in the Student Managed Investment Fund will prove to be supplementary to my future success. As an aspiring Investment Banker, I realize that the skills necessary to excel in my desired industry must be developed outside of the classroom setting. Collaborating with peers, developing equity research, and working with mentors will grant me an environment that will foster growth.

In addition to my involvement with the Student Managed Investment Fund, I am the Treasurer of the Wealth Management Advisory Club, the Business Editor of The Pillar (student-led newspaper), a member of the Honors Program, and a player on the Men’s Soccer Team. I currently coach youth soccer in my hometown of West Orange and I anticipate taking on a Finance internship in Summer 2022. I believe that my accomplishments are a testament to Silberman College of Business and its ability to transform students through its resources.

The initial investment that Fairleigh Dickinson University is providing to the organization represents more than an investment in the stock market. It represents an investment in the lives of individual students and the American Dreams that we hold graciously within our hearts. The initialization of the Student Managed Investment Fund reflects the values that the university prides itself upon.

I look forward to leading this group in the Spring and I encourage students to join the organization as it will be a transformative experience for all involved.



Silberman College of Business, FDU

Silberman College of Business is one of the nation’s top-ranked business schools offering undergraduate, graduate, and 4 plus 1 degree programs.